Question abount how to make a Ranking

  • Hi friends, i have the following issue for you...

    On one SQL2000 with SP3, i have one database with one table, with this structure:

    Servername (char,20)

    DateOfData (Datetime)

    DataBName (Char,20)

    SizeOfDB (int)

    The purpose of this table is to collect information for a lot of servers about the name(servername), the data when the inf. was collected (DateOfData), The name of the DB (DataBName), and its size (SizeOfDB) in MB

    Here is and example:

    SERVER01-A       2005-09-28 14:58:54.000 SAMPLEDB1           1453 

    I take this data every week since 3 months, and now i want to make a ranking of which databases registers the best growth in a period of time. Iam very new for SQL programming, I tried some methods but is really impossible for me. Anyone, pls, can helpme??

    This is an example of what am i looking for (From a period of two dates)

    Database - ServerName - %Increase (between two dates)

    SampleDB1  SERVER01-A - 15%


    Thanks, very very thanks.

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  • Grasshopper:

    Try this, let me know if it's what you're after. Note: if all the rows for a given update/snapshot don't have *exactly* the same datetime value, you'll have to use convert() to trim off the time elements or use some slightly more convoluted syntax to get the most recent and prior rows *for each server/db*.

    CREATE TABLE TableStats (

    Servername char(20),

    DateOfData Datetime,

    DataBName Char(20),

    SizeOfDB int


    INSERT TableStats VALUES ('SERVER01-A', '2005-09-21 14:58:54.000', 'SAMPLEDB1', 1488 )

    INSERT TableStats VALUES ('SERVER01-A', '2005-09-21 14:58:54.000', 'SAMPLEDB2', 1453 )

    INSERT TableStats VALUES ('SERVER01-A', '2005-09-28 14:58:54.000', 'SAMPLEDB1', 1601 )

    INSERT TableStats VALUES ('SERVER01-A', '2005-09-28 14:58:54.000', 'SAMPLEDB2', 1400 )




    PS.SizeOfDB AS 'PriorSize',

    TS.SizeOfDB AS 'CurrentSize',

    (TS.SizeOfDB - PS.SizeOfDB) * 1.0 / TS.SizeOfDB AS 'Growth' -- "* 1.0" implicitly converts int to numeric


    TableStats TS -- your table, I didn't see a name for it

    JOIN TableStats PS -- same table, look at prior rows

    ON PS.DateOfData = ( SELECT MAX (TS1.DateOfData)

    FROM TableStats TS1

    WHERE TS1.DateOfData < TS.DateOfData


    AND PS.Servername = TS.Servername

    AND PS.DataBName = TS.DataBName


    TS.DateOfData = ( SELECT MAX (TS1.DateOfData)

    FROM TableStats TS1


    Hope this helps,



    John Hopkins

  • It works!!! Thanks, very thanks for help!!

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