Question about potential position: Microsoft SQL RRE

  • Are there any current or previous Microsoft SQL Server Rapid Response Engineers out there?  What's the job like, what skills are required, would you do it again, etc.

    Thanks for your input.

  • I'm not but one of my friend is. he think someone enjoy it. If you don't mind travel a lot and always under some fire (on the client site).  You will travel sometime on the weekends. But, you learn a lot of real world experience, first hand with a lot of new technology. Access to elite engineer within Microsoft.

    There are alway plus and minus. My friend like in the beginning, but apparently MSFT change the way options and stock plan. He think the compensation is not that attractive anymore. Especially, if you watch the MSFT stock price for past 2 years. Mmm .... If you are yonng and energetic, this may be a place for you. After 3 years, you can be in any technical jobs w/o too much problem. it also polish your resume considerably.





  • John,

    Thanks for the input.  I'd love to hear more from your friend if he has the time.


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