Question about primary key!

  • Does anyone know how to identify composite primary keys in sql server view?

    I mean, a table which contains this detail, for example:

    TableA -> Primary Key (Id,name)

    TableB -> PrimaryKey (id)

    I'm going to pass the name of the column, (ID) and my query would return

    "Table with unique primary key for column ID: TableA",

    because the ID in TableB is composite.

    I've tried do a query using sys.columns, sys.tables and sys.key_column_usage, but the

    query always return the bothm TableA and TableB, I just need to filter this.

  • There is more than one way. Here's one:

    SELECT N'Table with unique primary key for column ID: ' +

    SCHEMA_NAME(T.[schema_id]) + N'.' +


    FROM sys.key_constraints KC

    JOIN sys.index_columns IC

    ON IC.[object_id] = KC.parent_object_id

    AND IC.index_id = KC.unique_index_id

    JOIN sys.columns C

    ON C.[object_id] = KC.parent_object_id

    AND C.column_id = IC.column_id

    JOIN sys.tables T ON T.[object_id] = KC.parent_object_id

    WHERE = N'ID'

    AND KC.[type] = N'PK'

    AND INDEX_COL(SCHEMA_NAME(T.[schema_id]) + N'.' + OBJECT_NAME(T.[object_id]), IC.index_id, 2) IS NULL;

    Neater versions almost certainly exist.

  • Many thanks man, I didn't know the view sys.key_constraints, it helped me a lot.

  • No worries, dude 😀

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