Question about query and pivot. Please help!

  • I have a employee payroll table in SS2000:

    For example:

    EmpID  PayCode  PayAmt

    123 1  10

    123 2  15

    456 1  9

    789 3  6500

    851 4  40000

    333 5  1400

    777 1  6.5

    777 2  8

    109 1  5.8

    109 2  8.7

    Each employee can have up to 5 records (5 PayCodes)I need to find out which employee has Paycode 1 and paycode 2 (not just a single paycode) and their payamt under paycode 2 is not 1.5 times of Paycode 1's payAmt.

    For example, EmpID 777 has both paycode 1 and 2, but the PayCode 2's PayAmt=8 which should be 9.75 (1.5 times of 6.5 - PayAmt in Paycode 1).

    So, I want to generate a query to list every single employee who has paycode 1 and has paycode 2 and compare their payAmt in Excel and show it to payroll department:

    EmplID   PayCode1   PayAmt   PayCode2   PayAmt2

    123       1              10           2               15

    777       1              6.5          2                8

    109       1              5.8          2                8.7

    HOW CAN I DO THAT IN T-SQL?  Please help.  Thank you.

  • This isn't quite what you asked for, it's a bit more specific in regard it only looks for empId's that have codes 1 and 2 and only when the amt on code 2 isn't 1.5 times the value of code 1.

    So, the query won't show any rows that has the 'correct' relationships between codes and amounts.

    select  p.empId,



    from  (

            select  p1.empId

            from  payroll p1

            join payroll p2

            on p1.empId = p2.empId

            and p1.payCode = 1

            and p2.payCode = 2

            and (p2.payAmt <> (p1.payAmt * 1.5))

          ) x

    join  payroll p

    on    x.empId = p.empId

    order by p.empId,


    empId       payCode payAmt      

    ----------- ------- ------------

    777         1       6.5

    777         2       8.0

    (2 row(s) affected)


    To pivot this in Transact SQL, you would need a fair amount of convoluted code stacked on top of this query, but why not pivot in Excel, if that's where the data is intended to go anyway?




  • SELECT t1.EmpID, t1.PayCode, t1.PayAmt, t2.PayCode, t2.PayAmt

    FROM #table t1

    INNER JOIN #table t2

    ON t2.EmpID = t1.EmpID

    AND t2.PayCode = 2

    AND t2.PayAmt <> (t1.PayAmt * 1.5)

    WHERE t1.PayCode = 1


    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • To easily solve all types of pivoting problems with minimal coding check out the RAC utility for S2k.As easy as Access crosstab query but much more powerful with many features/options.



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