Question: Has anyone experienced Tables disappearing wiht SP4?

  • Here is an interesting query:

    I have databases running on a SQL 2000 SP3a cluster, I am moving them to a new SQL 2000 SP4 with hotfix cluster, via restore database, and apply transaction logs, until ready for cut over.  At cut over time, I restore the last log, fix my logins, and update some data needed to find the database, and bring it back up.

    I have done this is the past with SQL 2000 SP3a, and never had a problem.

    Yesterday, I moved a database and one of our upload data files process claimed it could not find two different tables that it needed to update.

    I have checked for their existance and correct permissions settings, they are identical to the old machine that never had a problem.  The problem also appears to have started 11 hours after the database was moved.

    My gut says, it is not the database move process, but I was wondering if in SP4 there were any "features" aka "bugs" that might report a table as not existing if there was a locking or blocking process, which in the past would have been reported differently.

    I just want to cover my bases.

    Thanks in advance, Brian

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  • Did you restore the database or import/export data? If you restore the database, you should not have any problem. If you use import/export, you may miss the two tables. It is only my guess.

  • Thank you for your response.  I have forgotten what the exact problem was.   I do know I did a restore database.  I think I just re-did the restore and all was well.

    Once again, thanks for the response.


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