Question On Group By

  • I have a query such as the following

    Select Year(ActionDate) Year, Month(ActionDate) Month, Case When PFTypeID = 151.0011 Then 'P' When PFTypeID = 150.0011 Then 'F' END Physical, Count(s.ScheduleID) Schedules

    From Schedule s

    Join Schedule_Audit saud On s.ScheduleID = saud.ScheduleID

    Join Schedule_Action sact On saud.ActionID = sact.ActionID

    Where ActionDate Between '1/1/2003' And '3/31/2004' And VersionNo = 1

    Group By Year(ActionDate), Month(ActionDate), Case When PFTypeID = 151.0011 Then 'P' When PFTypeID = 150.0011 Then 'F' END

    Order By Year(ActionDate), Month(ActionDate), Case When PFTypeID = 151.0011 Then 'P' When PFTypeID = 150.0011 Then 'F' END

    and get results

    Year Month Physical Schedules
    2003 1     P 1177
    2003 2     F 6
    2003 2     P 1519
    2003 3     F 3
    2003 3     P 1631


    Is there any easy way to get the SQL Statement to return the missing line for month 1 of year 2003?

    There is no data for F on that month/year but I would like the query to come back with a line and a 0 for the schedules column.

    Is there an easy way to do this or not? I understand the SQL statement is doing what I am asking it to do, but I want a full result set where there might not be data like month 1 of year 2003.

    Any suggestions.


  • Pls try this query


    (Select Year(ActionDate) Year, Month(ActionDate) Month, Case When PFTypeID = 151.0011 Then 'P' When PFTypeID = 150.0011 Then 'F' END Physical, Count(s.ScheduleID) Schedules

    From Schedule s

    Join Schedule_Audit saud On s.ScheduleID = saud.ScheduleID

    Join Schedule_Action sact On saud.ActionID = sact.ActionID

    Where ActionDate Between '1/1/2003' And '3/31/2004' And VersionNo = 1

    Group By Year(ActionDate), Month(ActionDate), Case When PFTypeID = 151.0011 Then 'P' When PFTypeID = 150.0011 Then 'F' END)


    (Select Year,Month,

    case when Physical=’P’ then ‘F’

    case when Physical=’F’ then ‘P’ End ,0,count(*) from

    (Select Year(ActionDate) Year, Month(ActionDate) Month, Case When PFTypeID = 151.0011 Then 'P' When PFTypeID = 150.0011 Then 'F' END Physical, Count(s.ScheduleID) Schedules

    From Schedule s

    Join Schedule_Audit saud On s.ScheduleID = saud.ScheduleID

    Join Schedule_Action sact On saud.ActionID = sact.ActionID

    Where ActionDate Between '1/1/2003' And '3/31/2004' And VersionNo = 1

    Group By Year(ActionDate), Month(ActionDate), Case When PFTypeID = 151.0011 Then 'P' When PFTypeID = 150.0011 Then 'F' END

    Order By Year(ActionDate), Month(ActionDate), Case When PFTypeID = 151.0011 Then 'P' When PFTypeID = 150.0011 Then 'F' END)

    group by Year,Month,

    case when Physical=’P’ then ‘F’

    case when Physical=’F’ then ‘P’,0,count(*) having count(*)<2)

    Order By Year, Month,Physical

  • UNION probably works have not tested it, but other option would be to build a temp table with dates to join against or perform sub-query within.

  • Create a temp table with the year, month and Physical Values and make an OUTER JOIN right after the group by.

    Unluckily there is no ROWNUM in sql server which can let you do all kinds of tricks

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