quick help to insert data

  • Hi,

    I have a existing sql table with two columns. Those two columns have primary key (composite)

    I need to insert data almost 6000 rows of excel or csv or text file into that table.

    I don't want to drop that existing table and the table has pk so no need of duplicate data.

    How can I do that insert data to existing sql table from text file without duplicates.

    Immediate help would be appreciate


  • Load the new data into a temp table, and then use MERGE.


  • Yes, I did but still it is showing that primary key violation.

    Here the table has only two columns but both two columns are the primary key.

    I use the statement

    Merge table1 target

    using #temp as ource

    on target.id=source.id

    and target.srno=source.srno

    when not matched by target then

    insert (id, srno)

    values (id,srno)

    but while running this statement still throwing error

    violation of primary key constraint. The statement has terminated

  • Hi,

    Shall we do it with error handling? Can you give me some sample to do like that in this situation

  • Do you have duplicates on the key in your text file/temp table?

  • No idea it has almost 5,000 rows of text file

  • I'd assume that's where your problem is with your insert statement. I normally wouldn't bother with a merge for something like this. If it's just the two columns you have and nothing else, I'd do this:

    insert table1 (id, srno)

    select distinct id, srno

    from #temp t

    where not exists (select * from table1 l where l.id = t.id and l.srno = t.srno)

  • The text file has duplicate rows.

    After use the groupby clause, Merge statement works perfectly fine.

    Thank you

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