Quick Question (Changing SSRS URL)

  • Hi guys,

    Can anyone here provide some directions as to how to change the default SSRS url http://servername to some other name like http://reportsite ?


  • http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms159261.aspx

    I am thinking of setting up IIS sites and resolve the http://reportsite on it

    or setup your Domain Controller to forward/resolve REPORTURL to the SERVERNAME

    SQLServerNewbie MCITP: Database Administrator SQL Server 2005
  • thanks jerry

  • Use the Reporting Server configuration tools. You'll find it in Programs -> MS SQL Server -> Configuration tools.


  • Hello all,

    I have a semi-related question regarding URLs and how SSRS handles them. I have a report in which I am using Jump to URL to link to another report in a different project. When the link opens in a new window, the URL string with the parameters is plain text. Is there a way to cause that url to show something different? For example:

    If my url is "http://someserver/reportserver?/dir/subdir/report&rs:Format=HTML4.0"

    Can I cause it to show up as in a similar format to what is displayed when you navigate to a report from the report manager?

    Like this "http://someserver/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=/dir/subdir/report"

    My issue is that if my "Jump To" URL has report parameters in it like "...report&rs:Format=HTML4.0&companyID=213", I don't want users seeing what those parameters are.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

  • Found a solution.

    In the "Jump to URL" option, you can use some javascript statements to open an URL in a new browser window.

    I used

    "void(window.open('http://someserver/reportserver?/dir/subdir/report&rs:Command=Render&rs:Format=HTML4.0&rc:Toolbar=true&rc:parameters=false&companyID=" & Parameters!company.Value & "&order=" & Parameters!num.Value & "&endDate=" & Parameters!endDate.Value & "','_blank','location=0'))"

    The feature "location=0" hides the address bar. Unfortunately, a savvy user might still be able do search out the parameters I'm trying to hide, but this will make a couple times more difficult.

  • The easiest way to change the URL that users access the Report Manager with is to set up a DNS entry with the desired name pointing to the full address. I did this with a test and prod environment to simplify things for the users and obfuscate the server name. This also allows IT to move servers around, set up load balancing, etc. without affecting the URL (which users like to save as a Favorite).

    Examples: Test = http://reportstest, Prod = http://reports

    J Pratt

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