RAID-10 and Transaction Logs

  • Hi

    Kalen Delaney in Inside SQL Server states that 'A separate RAID-10 array is usually not an appropriate choice for the transaction log. Because the write activity tends to be sequential and is synchronous, the benefits of multiple disks are not realised.'

    This seems logical to me but what if you have more than one database on your server? Is there any benefit in RAID-10 then? Or is the answer to break up all the disks in the stripe into separate drives and place a log file for one database on each?



  • 'A separate RAID-10 array is usually not an appropriate choice for the transaction log'.

    I believe this recomendation is for VLDB's and is for optimum cost to performance ratio. But it would vary depending on your environment. If you have 10 databases which are 1 GB in size, you do not want to manage 10 different drives for log files and 10 for data and tempdb etc. This would increase your management cost and you might be better of having one RAID 10 volume

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