RAM incrases and Queries time out

  • Hello,

    I have the following problem: db server with:

    SQL server 2000 SP4, 16GB memory, 2XEON dual core.

    RAM increases continuosly (slow workload) and queries time-out.

    Do you know hot to prevent this or how to monitor



  • - start a sqlprofiler trace and examine the results

    - maybe this can point you in a direction

    (I don't know from where I got it , but it shows who is actualy consuming on your server)

    With the first execution the #-table is created, if you execute it again (don't disconnect !) it shows you the consumers.


    if (object_id('tempdb..#tmpVerbruik') is null)


     -- tmptabelleke aanmaken

     select min( @@Servername ) as ServerName

     , A.hostname

     , A.loginame

     , A.program_name

     , min(login_time) as  min_login_time, max(last_batch) as max_last_batch , sum(cpu) as sum_cpu, sum(physical_io) as sum_physical_io,  sum(memusage) as sum_memusage

     --, login_time, last_batch , cpu, physical_io,  memusage

     into #tmpVerbruik

     FROM master..sysprocesses A

     --WHERE loginame = 'mailsweeper'

     group by  A.hostname, A.loginame, A.program_name


    select A1.*

    --, T.min_login_time

    --, T.max_last_batch

    --, T.sum_cpu

    --, T.sum_physical_io

    --, T.sum_memusage

    ,  A1.sum_cpu - T.sum_cpu as Delta_cpu

    , A1.sum_physical_io - T.sum_physical_io as Delta_physical_io

    , A1.sum_memusage - T.sum_memusage as Delta_memusage

    , A1.sum_physical_io - T.sum_physical_io as Delta_physical_io

    , A1.sum_memusage - T.sum_memusage as Delta_memusage


    (select min( @@Servername ) as ServerName

    , A.hostname

    , A.loginame

    , A.program_name

    , min(login_time) as  min_login_time, max(last_batch) as max_last_batch , sum(cpu) as sum_cpu, sum(physical_io) as sum_physical_io,  sum(memusage) as sum_memusage

    --, login_time, last_batch , cpu, physical_io,  memusage

    -- into #tmpVerbruik

    FROM master..sysprocesses A

    --WHERE loginame = 'mailsweeper'

    group by  A.hostname, A.loginame, A.program_name

    &nbsp A1

    left join #tmpVerbruik T

     on A1.hostname = T.hostname

     and A1.loginame = T.loginame

     and A1.program_name = T.program_name

    where  T.sum_cpu <> A1.sum_cpu

    or T.sum_physical_io <> A1.sum_physical_io

    or T.sum_memusage <> A1.sum_memusage

    or T.sum_physical_io <> A1.sum_physical_io

    or T.sum_memusage <> A1.sum_memusage

    order by Delta_CPU desc, A1.hostname, A1.loginame, A1.program_name



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  • I need to understand a few things here - do you have awe enabled for sql server?

    How are you viewing/measuring memory usage?

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • Thank everybody

    about AWE :I was thinking same thing AWE and /PAE enabled or not, so I have to check.

    Intersting the code that I will be using later.


  • Can you also give us the memory settings and what is stable RAM And what is the level it increases to?

    Any XPs installed as well?

  • OS is Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition with SP1.

    RAM is configured dinamically, not fixed (Max and Min).


  • A couple of things come to mind:

    SP4 broke AWE and there arehotfixes available from Microsoft to fix it

    Make sure that the switches in your boot.ini file are correct for your configuration.


    We use something that was found on the web to  monitor usage and blocking.  It is compiled into the master database on the server.


    Start the SQL--







      $Header: /abasql/aba_lockinfo_sqlmm_sp3.sp 8     06-05-23 21:27 Sommar $

      This SP lists locking information for all active processes, that is

      processes that have a lock or are not AWAITING COMMAND. Information

      about all locked objects are included, as well the last command sent

      from the client. Note that this command is tacked out afterwards with

      DBCC INPUTBUFFER, and may be out of sync with the rest of the data.

      The original source for the SP was taken from the undocumented

      system procedure sp_lockinfo.

      This version works only in SQL2000 SP3. There are separate versions for

      SQL6.5, SQL7 and SQL 2000 pre-SP3.

      $History: aba_lockinfo_sqlmm_sp3.sp $


     * *****************  Version 8  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 06-05-23   Time: 21:27

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * suser_name(sid) does not always return the login name, so use

     * sysprocess.loginame as a fallback.


     * *****************  Version 7  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 06-03-21   Time: 21:09

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * Bug fix: I did not quote database names with quotename(), so you would

     * get  a syntax error with databases with special characters.


     * *****************  Version 6  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 04-12-27   Time: 13:26

     * Updated in $/abasql


     * *****************  Version 5  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 04-02-23   Time: 11:08

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * Remove line break from curstmt.


     * *****************  Version 4  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 04-02-22   Time: 23:20

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * Thorough rewrite for better performance.


     * *****************  Version 3  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 03-05-25   Time: 11:22

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * stmt_start is an offset, so we should add 1 to it.


     * *****************  Version 2  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 02-12-21   Time: 23:25

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * stmt_end = -1 means that current statement extents until end of text.


     * *****************  Version 1  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 02-12-21   Time: 23:08

     * Created in $/abasql


     * *****************  Version 10  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 02-05-04   Time: 18:35

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * Current time was saved in a format that later would cause conversion

     * error with some dateformat settings.


     * *****************  Version 9  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 02-03-24   Time: 0:39

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * The setting of @minspid had disappeared.


     * *****************  Version 8  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 02-03-22   Time: 16:02

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * Performance enhancements. No longer need for separate database, uses

     * temp tables. Lots of KEEPFIXED PLAN to avoid recompilations.

     * Unnecessary use of dynamic SQL removed. Support for SQL7 removed.


     * *****************  Version 7  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 01-11-26   Time: 15:38

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * Now that's news! There might be more than one ecid in sysprocesses per

     * spid. Let's handle that!


     * *****************  Version 6  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 01-07-16   Time: 22:27

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * Extensive rewrite. Default is now to group locks to reduce the amount

     * data when there are many locks. Also handling the case that a process

     * may not exist in sysprocesses. Handle also application locks.


     * *****************  Version 5  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 01-03-17   Time: 22:07

     * Updated in $/abasql

     * Added SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF for the benefit of people outside

     * Abaris who might have this on.


     * *****************  Version 4  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 00-11-07   Time: 10:59

     * Updated in $/projects/dbverktyg/abasql

     * Adaptions for SQL2000. Define processes that only hold a lock on a

     * databaes as passive. Translate object names per database, not per

     * object. Handle that last_since may overflow.


     * *****************  Version 2  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 00-02-09   Time: 13:19

     * Updated in $/projects/dbverktyg/abasql

     * Stupid bug: last_since was 10 times too big.


     * *****************  Version 1  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 00-01-06   Time: 17:46

     * Created in $/projects/dbverktyg/abasql


     * *****************  Version 2  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 99-12-21   Time: 19:39

     * Updated in $/projects/dbverktyg/abasql

     * Hide system processes.


     * *****************  Version 1  *****************

     * User: Sommar       Date: 99-12-21   Time: 19:33

     * Created in $/projects/dbverktyg/abasql


    --exec aba_lockinfo

    ALTER  PROCEDURE aba_lockinfo @processes tinyint = 0,

                                  @details   bit     = 0,

                                  @fancy     bit     = 0 AS


    -- The following temp tables are work tables that are involved in dynamic

    -- SQL or INSERT EXEC, and therefore cannot be table variables.


    -- Output from DBCC INPUTBUFFER.

    CREATE TABLE #inputbuffer (eventtype nvarchar(30)  NULL,

                               params    int           NULL,

                               eventinfo nvarchar(255) NULL)

    -- Holds all object to be identified.

    CREATE TABLE #objects (dbid    smallint      NOT NULL,

                           objid   int           NOT NULL,

                           indid   tinyint       NOT NULL,

                           objname nvarchar(170) NULL,

                           PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED (dbid, objid, indid))

    -- Used for the fancy result.

    CREATE TABLE #result (

           ident       int           IDENTITY,

           spid        smallint      NOT NULL,

           ecid        smallint      NOT NULL,

           cnt         int           NULL,

           login       sysname       NOT NULL,

           prcstatus   nvarchar(30)  NOT NULL,

           command     nvarchar(16)  NOT NULL,

           dbname      sysname       NOT NULL,

           host        nvarchar(128) NOT NULL,

           appl        nvarchar(128) NOT NULL,

           opntrn      varchar(5)    NOT NULL,

           lvl         char(3)       NOT NULL,

           blkby       varchar(5)    NOT NULL,

           locktype    nvarchar(70)  NOT NULL,

           ownertype   nvarchar(70)  NOT NULL,

           object      nvarchar(170) NULL,

           rsctype     nvarchar(70)  NOT NULL,

           lstatus     nvarchar(70)  NOT NULL,

           waittime    varchar(10)   NOT NULL,

           waittype    binary(2)     NULL,

           cpu         varchar(10)   NOT NULL,

           physio      varchar(10)   NOT NULL,

           memusg      varchar(10)   NOT NULL,

           now         char(12)      NOT NULL,

           login_time  char(16)      NOT NULL,

           last_batch  char(16)      NOT NULL,

           last_since  varchar(11)   NOT NULL,

           delay       varchar(10)   NOT NULL,

           inputbuffer varchar(255)  NOT NULL,

           current_sp  nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,

           curstmt     nvarchar(255) NOT NULL,

           stmtoff     varchar(15)   NOT NULL,

           last        bit           NOT NULL DEFAULT 0)


    -- Then table variables for locks and processes. Input from syslockinfo and

    -- sysprocesses augmented with other material.


    DECLARE @procs TABLE (

       spid        smallint           NOT NULL,

       ecid        smallint           NOT NULL,

       active      bit                NOT NULL DEFAULT 1,

       login       sysname            NULL,

       status      nvarchar(30)       NULL,

       dbname      sysname            NULL,

       host        nvarchar(128)      NULL,

       command     nvarchar(16)       NULL,

       appl        nvarchar(128)      NULL,

       opntrn      smallint           NULL,

       blking      smallint           NOT NULL,

       blkby       smallint           NULL,

       blklvl      smallint           NOT NULL,

       waittime    int                NULL,

       waittype    binary(2)          NULL,

       cpu         int                NULL,

       physio      bigint             NULL,

       memusage    int                NULL,

       now         datetime           NOT NULL,

       login_time  char(16)           NULL,

       last_batch  char(16)           NULL,

       last_since  numeric(10,3)      NULL,

       sql_handle  binary(20)         NOT NULL,

       stmt_start  int                NOT NULL,

       stmt_end    int                NOT NULL,

       current_sp  int                NULL,

       curdbid     smallint           NULL,

       curstmt     nvarchar(255)      NULL,

       delay       int                NOT NULL DEFAULT 0,

       inputbuffer nvarchar(255)      NOT NULL DEFAULT ' ',

       PRIMARY KEY (spid, ecid))

    DECLARE @locks TABLE (

       ident         int              IDENTITY,

       spid          smallint         NOT NULL,

       ecid          smallint         NOT NULL,

       cnt           int              NULL,

       req_mode      tinyint          NOT NULL,

       rsc_type      tinyint          NOT NULL,

       req_status    tinyint          NOT NULL,

       req_ownertype smallint         NOT NULL,

       dbid          smallint         NOT NULL,

       objid         int              NOT NULL,

       indid         tinyint          NOT NULL,

       rsc_text      nchar(32)        NULL,

       refcnt        smallint         NULL,

       activelock    bit              NOT NULL)

    -- We tried indexing, but they seem to cost more than give.

    --   UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (spid, ecid, activelock, ident))

    --   UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED (dbid, objid, indid, ident))


    -- Local variables.


    DECLARE @minspid     int,

            @objid       int,

            @dbid        smallint,

            @dbname      sysname,

            @qdbname     nvarchar(256),

            @stmt        varchar(8000),

            @spid        smallint,

            @sql_handle-2  binary(20),

            @stmt_start  int,

            @stmt_end    int,

            @spidstr     varchar(10),

            @inputbuff   varchar(255),

            @blklvl      tinyint,

            @now         datetime


    -- All reads are dirty! The most important reason for this is tempdb..sysobjects.




    -- Processes below @minspid are system processes.

    SELECT @minspid = 50, @now = getdate()


    -- First caputure all locks. These can be aggregate, or we can get all of them.


    IF @details = 0


       INSERT @locks (spid, ecid, req_mode, rsc_type, req_status, req_ownertype,

                      dbid, objid, indid,


                      activelock, cnt)

          SELECT req_spid, req_ecid, req_mode, rsc_type, req_status, req_ownertype,

                 rsc_dbid, rsc_objid, rsc_indid,

                 CASE rsc_type WHEN 10 THEN rsc_text END,

                 CASE WHEN rsc_type = 2 AND req_status = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END,


          FROM   master.dbo.syslockinfo

          GROUP  BY req_spid, req_ecid, req_mode, rsc_type, req_status, req_ownertype,

                 rsc_dbid, rsc_objid, rsc_indid,

                 CASE rsc_type WHEN 10 THEN rsc_text END,

                 CASE WHEN rsc_type = 2 AND req_status = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END




       INSERT @locks (spid, ecid, req_mode, rsc_type, req_status, req_ownertype,

                      dbid, objid, indid, rsc_text, refcnt,


          SELECT req_spid, req_ecid, req_mode, rsc_type, req_status, req_ownertype,

                 rsc_dbid, rsc_objid, rsc_indid, rsc_text, req_refcnt,

                 CASE WHEN rsc_type = 2 AND req_status = 1 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END

          FROM   master.dbo.syslockinfo



    -- Then get the processes. We filter here for active processes once for all


    INSERT @procs(spid, ecid, login, status,


                  host, command, appl, opntrn,

                  blking, blkby, blklvl,

                  waittime, waittype, cpu, physio, memusage, now,



                  last_since, sql_handle, stmt_start, stmt_end)

       SELECT p.spid, p.ecid, coalesce(suser_sname(p.sid), p.loginame), rtrim(p.status),

              CASE WHEN p.dbid > 0 THEN db_name(p.dbid) ELSE '' END,

              rtrim(p.hostname), rtrim(p.cmd), rtrim(p.program_name), p.open_tran,

              0, p.blocked, 0,

              p.waittime, p.waittype, p.cpu, p.physical_io, p.memusage, @now,

              convert(char(7), p.login_time, 12) + convert(char(8), p.login_time, 8),

              convert(char(7), p.last_batch, 12) + convert(char(8), p.last_batch, 8),

              CASE WHEN datediff(DAY, p.last_batch, @now) > 20

                   THEN NULL

                   ELSE datediff(MS, p.last_batch, @now) / 1000.000

              END, sql_handle, stmt_start, stmt_end

       FROM   master.dbo.sysprocesses p

       WHERE  @processes > 0 OR

              (upper(p.cmd) <> 'AWAITING COMMAND' AND

               p.spid >= @minspid AND

               p.spid <> @@spid) OR

              p.open_tran > 0 OR

              p.blocked > 0 OR

              (EXISTS (SELECT *

                       FROM   @locks l

                       WHERE  l.spid = p.spid

                         AND  l.activelock = 1) AND spid <> @@spid)


    -- Mark inactive processes; this is only interesting if @processes = 1,

    -- because with @processes = 0 we only have active now.


    IF @processes = 1


       UPDATE @procs

       SET    active = 0

       FROM   @procs p


                          FROM   @locks l

                          WHERE  p.spid = l.spid

                            AND  p.ecid = l.ecid

                            AND  l.activelock = 1

                            AND  p.spid <> @@spid

                            AND  p.spid >= @minspid)

         AND  (p.command = 'AWAITING COMMAND' OR p.spid < @minspid OR p.spid = @@spid)

         AND  p.blkby = 0



    -- Get input buffers and fn_get_sql data. Note that only the main thread,

    -- ecid = 0 is of interest.



       SELECT str(spid), spid, sql_handle, stmt_start, stmt_end

       FROM   @procs

       WHERE  (@processes = 2 OR active = 1)

         AND  ecid   = 0

         AND  login IS NOT NULL

    OPEN C1

    WHILE 1 = 1


       FETCH C1 INTO @spidstr, @spid, @sql_handle-2, @stmt_start, @stmt_end

       IF @@fetch_status <> 0


       DELETE #inputbuffer

       INSERT #inputbuffer

          EXEC ('DBCC INPUTBUFFER (' + @spidstr + ') WITH NO_INFOMSGS')

       SELECT @inputbuff = ' '

       SELECT @inputbuff = rtrim(eventinfo) FROM #inputbuffer

       -- Replace line breaks with spaces.

       SET @inputbuff = replace(@inputbuff, char(10) + char(13), ' ')

       SET @inputbuff = replace(@inputbuff, char(10), ' ')

       SET @inputbuff = replace(@inputbuff, char(13), ' ')

       IF @sql_handle-2 <> 0x0


          SELECT @objid = objectid,

                 @dbid  = dbid,

                 @stmt  = substring(

                          CASE WHEN @stmt_start >= 0

                               THEN substring(

                                    text, (@stmt_start + 2)/2,

                                    CASE @stmt_end

                                         WHEN -1 THEN 255

                                         ELSE (@stmt_end - @stmt_start + 2) / 2


                          END, 1, 255)

          FROM  ::fn_get_sql(@sql_handle)

          SET @stmt = replace(@stmt, char(10) + char(13), ' ')

          SET @stmt = replace(@stmt, char(10), ' ')

          SET @stmt = replace(@stmt, char(13), ' ')



          SELECT @stmt = '', @objid = NULL, @dbid = NULL

       UPDATE @procs

       SET    inputbuffer = coalesce(@inputbuff, ''),

              delay       = datediff(ms, now, @now),

              current_sp  = @objid,

              curdbid     = @dbid,

              curstmt     = @stmt

       FROM   @procs p

       WHERE  spid = @spid

         AND  ecid = 0




    -- Delete inactive processes from @locks.


    IF @processes = 0


       DELETE @locks

       FROM   @locks l


                          FROM   @procs p

                          WHERE  p.spid = l.spid

                            AND  p.active = 1)



    -- Get name of objects. Need to do this per database.


    INSERT #objects (dbid, objid, indid)

       SELECT dbid, objid, indid

       FROM   @locks

       WHERE  dbid > 0 AND objid > 0


       SELECT curdbid, current_sp, 0

       FROM   @procs

       WHERE  curdbid > 0 AND current_sp > 0


       SELECT DISTINCT dbid, db_name(dbid), quotename(db_name(dbid)) FROM #objects

    OPEN C2

    WHILE 1 = 1


       FETCH C2 INTO @dbid, @dbname, @qdbname

       IF @@fetch_status <> 0


       -- Set database.owner.name(.index) of all objects in #objects.

       SELECT @stmt =

           ' UPDATE #objects

             SET    objname = ''' + @dbname + '.'' + u.name + ''.'' + o.name +

                    CASE coalesce(t.indid, 0) WHEN 0 THEN '''' ELSE ''.'' + i.name END

             FROM   #objects t

             JOIN   ' +  @qdbname + '.dbo.sysobjects o ON t.objid = o.id

             JOIN   ' +  @qdbname + '.dbo.sysusers u   ON u.uid   = o.uid

             LEFT   JOIN ' + @qdbname + '.dbo.sysindexes i ON t.indid = i.indid

                                                         AND t.objid = i.id

             WHERE  t.dbid = ' + str(@dbid) + '

               AND  t.objid > 0 '

       EXEC (@stmt)




    -- Flag blocking and blocked processes


    UPDATE @procs

    SET    blking = 1

    FROM   @procs p


                   FROM   @procs p2

                   WHERE  p.spid = p2.blkby)

    UPDATE @procs

    SET    blklvl = 1

    WHERE  blking = 1

      AND  blkby  = 0

    SELECT @blklvl = 1

    -- Find out place in the queue for blocked processes.

    WHILE EXISTS (SELECT * FROM @procs WHERE blkby > 0 AND blklvl = 0) AND

          @blklvl < 20


       UPDATE p1

       SET    blklvl = @blklvl + 1

       FROM   @procs p1

       JOIN   @procs p2 ON p1.blkby = p2.spid

       WHERE  p1.blkby > 0

         AND  p1.blklvl = 0

         AND  p2.blklvl = @blklvl

       SELECT @blklvl = @blklvl + 1



    -- For Plain results we are ready to return now.


    IF @fancy = 0


       SELECT spid        = coalesce(p.spid, l.spid),

              ecid        = coalesce(p.ecid, l.ecid),

              cnt         = CASE @details

                                WHEN 0 THEN coalesce(l.cnt, 0)

                                WHEN 1 THEN coalesce(l.refcnt, 0)


              login       = coalesce(p.login, ''),

              prcstatus   = coalesce(p.status, ''),

              command     = coalesce(p.command, ''),

              dbname      = coalesce(p.dbname, ''),

              host        = coalesce(p.host, ''),

              appl        = coalesce(p.appl, ''),

              opntrn      = coalesce(convert(varchar(5), p.opntrn), ''),

              lvl         = CASE coalesce(p.blklvl, 0)

                                 WHEN 0 THEN ''

                                 WHEN 1 THEN '!!'

                                ELSE convert(varchar(3), p.blklvl - 1)


              blkby       = CASE coalesce(p.blkby, 0)

                               WHEN 0 THEN ''

                               ELSE convert(varchar(5), p.blkby)


              locktype    = coalesce(v1.name, ''),

              ownertype   = coalesce(v2.name, ''),

              object      = CASE WHEN l.rsc_type = 10 THEN rtrim(l.rsc_text)

                                 WHEN l.rsc_type = 2  THEN rtrim(db_name(l.dbid))

                                 WHEN l.rsc_type IS NOT NULL

                                      THEN coalesce(o1.objname,

                                                    db_name(l.dbid) + '.MISSING?')

                                 ELSE ''


              rsctype     = coalesce(v3.name, ''),

              lstatus     = coalesce(v4.name, ''),

              waittime    = CASE coalesce(p.waittime, 0)

                               WHEN 0 THEN ''

                               ELSE convert(varchar(10), p.waittime)



              cpu         = coalesce(convert(varchar(10), p.cpu), ''),

              physio      = coalesce(convert(varchar(10), p.physio), ''),

              memusg      = coalesce(convert(varchar(10), p.memusage), ''),

              now         = convert(char(12), p.now, 114),

              login_time  = coalesce(p.login_time, ''),

              last_batch  = coalesce(p.last_batch, ''),

              last_since  = coalesce(str(p.last_since, 11, 3), ''),

              delay       = coalesce(convert(varchar(10), p.delay), ''),

              inputbuffer = coalesce(p.inputbuffer, ''),

              current_sp  = coalesce(o2.objname, ''),

              curstmt     = coalesce(p.curstmt, ''),

              stmtoff     = coalesce(ltrim(str(stmt_start/2)), '') + '/' +

                            coalesce(ltrim(str(stmt_end/2)), '')

       FROM   (@procs p

               LEFT JOIN #objects o2 ON p.curdbid    = o2.dbid

                                    AND p.current_sp = o2.objid

                                    AND o2.indid     = 0)

       FULL JOIN (@locks l

                  LEFT JOIN master.dbo.spt_values v1 ON v1.number = l.req_mode + 1

                                                    AND v1.type   = 'L'

                  LEFT JOIN master.dbo.spt_values v2 ON v2.number = l.req_ownertype

                                                    AND v2.type   = 'LO'

                  LEFT JOIN master.dbo.spt_values v3 ON v3.number = l.rsc_type

                                                    AND v3.type   = 'LR'

                  LEFT JOIN master.dbo.spt_values v4 ON v4.number = l.req_status

                                                    AND v4.type   = 'LS'

                  LEFT JOIN #objects o1 ON l.dbid   = o1.dbid

                                       AND l.objid  = o1.objid

                                       AND l.indid  = o1.indid)

         ON  p.spid = l.spid

        AND  p.ecid = l.ecid

       ORDER BY spid, ecid, lstatus DESC, object





       -- For fancy result, we save to #result, and to find suitable lengths.


       DECLARE @spidlen     varchar(5),

               @ecidlen     varchar(5),

               @cntlen      varchar(5),

               @loginlen    varchar(5),

               @statuslen   varchar(5),

               @dbnamelen   varchar(5),

               @hostlen     varchar(5),

               @cmdlen      varchar(5),

               @appllen     varchar(5),

               @waitlen     varchar(5),

               @waitreslen  varchar(5),

               @locktlen    varchar(5),

               @restlen     varchar(5),

               @lkstatlen   varchar(5),

               @lkobjlen    varchar(5),

               @ownertlen   varchar(5),

               @cpulen      varchar(5),

               @physiolen   varchar(5),

               @memlen      varchar(5),

               @delaylen    varchar(5),

               @curobjlen   varchar(5),

               @stmtlen     varchar(5),

               @stmtofflen  varchar(5),

               @inputlen    varchar(5)

       INSERT #result (spid, ecid, cnt, login, prcstatus, command, dbname, host,

                       appl, opntrn, lvl, blkby, locktype, ownertype, object,

                       rsctype, lstatus, waittime, p.waittype, cpu, physio, memusg,

                       now, login_time, last_batch, last_since, delay, inputbuffer,

                       current_sp, curstmt, stmtoff)

          SELECT spid        = coalesce(p.spid, l.spid),

                 ecid        = coalesce(p.ecid, l.ecid),

                 cnt         = CASE @details

                                   WHEN 0 THEN coalesce(l.cnt, 0)

                                   WHEN 1 THEN coalesce(l.refcnt, 0)


                 login       = coalesce(p.login, ''),

                 prcstatus   = coalesce(p.status, ''),

                 command     = coalesce(p.command, ''),

                 dbname      = coalesce(p.dbname, ''),

                 host        = coalesce(p.host, ''),

                 appl        = coalesce(p.appl, ''),

                 opntrn      = coalesce(convert(varchar(5), p.opntrn), ''),

                 lvl         = CASE coalesce(p.blklvl, 0)

                                    WHEN 0 THEN ''

                                    WHEN 1 THEN '!!'

                                   ELSE convert(varchar(3), p.blklvl - 1)


                 blkby       = CASE coalesce(p.blkby, 0)

                                  WHEN 0 THEN ''

                                  ELSE convert(varchar(5), p.blkby)


                 locktype    = coalesce(v1.name, ''),

                 ownertype   = coalesce(v2.name, ''),

                 object      = CASE WHEN l.rsc_type = 10 THEN rtrim(l.rsc_text)

                                    WHEN l.rsc_type = 2  THEN rtrim(db_name(l.dbid))

                                    WHEN l.rsc_type IS NOT NULL

                                      THEN coalesce(o1.objname,

                                                    db_name(l.dbid) + '.MISSING?')

                                    ELSE ''


                 rsctype     = coalesce(v3.name, ''),

                 lstatus     = coalesce(v4.name, ''),

                 waittime    = CASE coalesce(p.waittime, 0)

                                  WHEN 0 THEN ''

                                  ELSE convert(varchar(10), p.waittime)



                 cpu         = coalesce(convert(varchar(10), p.cpu), ''),

                 physio      = coalesce(convert(varchar(10), p.physio), ''),

                 memusg      = coalesce(convert(varchar(10), p.memusage), ''),

                 now         = convert(char(12), p.now, 114),

                 login_time  = coalesce(p.login_time, ''),

                 last_batch  = coalesce(p.last_batch, ''),

                 last_since  = coalesce(str(p.last_since, 11, 3), ''),

                 delay       = coalesce(convert(varchar(10), p.delay), ''),

                 inputbuffer = coalesce(p.inputbuffer, ''),

                 current_sp  = coalesce(o2.objname, ''),

                 curstmt     = coalesce(p.curstmt, ''),

                 stmtoff     = coalesce(ltrim(str(p.stmt_start / 2)), '') + '/' +

                               coalesce(ltrim(str(p.stmt_end/2)), '')

          FROM   (@procs p

                  LEFT JOIN #objects o2 ON p.curdbid    = o2.dbid

                                       AND p.current_sp = o2.objid

                                       AND o2.indid     = 0)

          FULL JOIN (@locks l

                     LEFT JOIN master.dbo.spt_values v1 ON v1.number = l.req_mode + 1

                                                       AND v1.type   = 'L'

                     LEFT JOIN master.dbo.spt_values v2 ON v2.number = l.req_ownertype

                                                       AND v2.type   = 'LO'

                     LEFT JOIN master.dbo.spt_values v3 ON v3.number = l.rsc_type

                                                       AND v3.type   = 'LR'

                     LEFT JOIN master.dbo.spt_values v4 ON v4.number = l.req_status

                                                       AND v4.type   = 'LS'

                     LEFT JOIN #objects o1 ON l.dbid   = o1.dbid

                                          AND l.objid  = o1.objid

                                          AND l.indid  = o1.indid)

            ON  p.spid = l.spid

           AND  p.ecid = l.ecid

       ORDER BY spid, ecid, lstatus DESC, object

       -- Mark last row.

       UPDATE #result

       SET    last = 1

       FROM   #result r1

       JOIN   (SELECT spid, ident = MAX(ident)

               FROM   #result

               GROUP  BY spid) AS r2 ON r2.ident = r1.ident


       -- Get all maxlengths

       SELECT @spidlen    = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(max(len(ltrim(str(spid)))), 1)),

              @ecidlen    = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(max(len(ltrim(str(ecid)))), 1)),

              @cntlen     = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(max(len(ltrim(str(cnt)))), 1)),

              @loginlen   = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(login)), 0), 1)),

              @cntlen     = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(ltrim(str(cnt)))), 0), 1)),

              @statuslen  = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(prcstatus)), 0), 1)),

              @dbnamelen  = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(dbname)), 0), 1)),

              @hostlen    = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(host)), 0), 1)),

              @cmdlen     = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(command)), 0), 1)),

              @appllen    = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(appl)), 0), 1)),

              @waitlen    = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(waittime)), 0), 1)),

              @locktlen   = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(locktype)), 0), 1)),

              @lkobjlen   = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(object)), 0), 1)),

              @ownertlen  = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(ownertype)), 0), 1)),

              @restlen    = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(rsctype)), 0), 1)),

              @lkstatlen  = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(lstatus)), 0), 1)),

              @cpulen     = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(cpu)), 0), 1)),

              @physiolen  = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(physio)), 0), 1)),

              @memlen     = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(memusg)), 0), 1)),

              @delaylen   = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(delay)), 0), 1)),

              @curobjlen  = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(current_sp)), 0), 1)),

              @inputlen   = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(inputbuffer)), 0), 1)),

              @stmtlen    = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(curstmt)), 0), 1)),

              @stmtofflen = convert(varchar(5), coalesce(nullif(max(len(stmtoff)), 0), 1))

       FROM   #result


       -- Return the #results table with dynamic lengths.

       EXEC ('SELECT spid      = str(spid, ' + @spidlen + '),

                     ecid      = str(ecid, ' + @ecidlen + '),

                     cnt       = convert(varchar( ' + @cntlen + '), cnt),

                     login     = convert(varchar( ' + @loginlen + '), login),

                     prcstatus = convert(varchar( ' + @statuslen + '), prcstatus),

                     command   = convert(varchar( ' + @cmdlen + '), command),

                     dbname    = convert(varchar( ' + @dbnamelen + '), dbname),

                     host      = convert(varchar( ' + @hostlen + '), host),

                     appl      = convert(varchar( ' + @appllen + '), appl),




                     locktype  = convert(varchar( ' + @locktlen + '), locktype),

                     ownertype = convert(varchar( ' + @ownertlen + '), ownertype),

                     object    = convert(varchar( ' + @lkobjlen + '), object),

                     rsctype   = convert(varchar( ' + @restlen + '), rsctype),

                     lstatus   = convert(varchar( ' + @lkstatlen + '), lstatus),

                     waittime  = convert(varchar( ' + @waitlen + '), waittime),


                     cpu       = convert(varchar( ' + @cpulen + '), cpu),

                     io        = convert(varchar( ' + @physiolen + '), physio),

                     memusg    = convert(varchar( ' + @memlen + '), memusg),





                     delay        = convert(varchar( ' + @delaylen + '), delay),

                     intputbuffer = convert(varchar( ' + @inputlen + '), inputbuffer),

                     current_sp   = convert(varchar( ' + @curobjlen + '), current_sp),

                     curstmt      = convert(varchar( ' + @stmtlen + '), curstmt),

                     stmtoff      = convert(varchar( ' + @stmtofflen + '), stmtoff),

                     CASE last WHEN 1 THEN char(10) ELSE '' '' END

              FROM   #result

              ORDER  BY ident')











  • Thank to everybody,

    the fix from Microsoft is for:

    If Address Windowing Extentions (AWE) support is enabled, a single instance of SQL Server 2000 can only use a maximum of 50 percent of the physical memory that is on the computer.

    but this problem does not apply to my case.

    I am trying to find something, I will use your code


  • as you said the server has 16gb of ram and if /awe and /pae are enabled in boot.ini then did you check if "lockpagesinmemory" setting granted for the service account ( I learned that enabling /pae with dynamic memory management enabled needs this permission)

  • Do you actually have awe enabled and have you set max memory ?

    • NB. enabling awe memory DISABLES dynamic memory so with awe on all the memory will be taken at startup and will stay static, so you could not see memory usage changing.
    • With awe enabled you cannot use task manager to view the memory used by the sql server process, use perfmon or sysperfinfo table
    • You must set max memory to a figure less than total memory, I usually assign around 13.5 GB on a 16gb server ( dedicated server, only 1 instance or default ) otherwise you may suffer from memory starvation for the o/s
    • Setting the server service account must be done through EM not the server services tab otherwise the correct rights do not get assigned to the sql server service.
    • Security policies may restrict the rights of the service, however if this is the case you will find messages in the error log.
    • Boot.ini should contain the /PAE switch


    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • 1) Definitely limit max memory.

    2) Have you check perfmon for paging?  This is likely the 'actual' cause of the slowness.  You need to set max memory for sql such that you don't start seeing a huge amount of paging during steady state operations.  This can be an iterative process to determine the breakpoint.

    3) Win2003SP1 has a bug whereby large file copies to slower drives will flush virtually everything from ram and screw up memory allocations.  It absolutely CRUSHED performance on a client's system.  There is a hotfix for it. 

    4) If you are running HP servers with integraged lights out functionality, they also have a bug that will screw ram usage/allocations.  That one got one of my client's too.  VERY nasty.


    Kevin G. Boles
    SQL Server Consultant
    SQL MVP 2007-2012
    TheSQLGuru on googles mail service

  • Thank to everybody,

    at this point I have useful information to check the server.

    Later I 'll give you some feedback.

Viewing 12 posts - 1 through 11 (of 11 total)

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