Raw Materials - Efficiency Unit

  • This wasn't my decision either. I was informed of this recently, and wasn't sure when Larry would be told.

    I like the comics, and I've made a thread here: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Forum83-1.aspx?Update=1

    Please feel free to chime in. I will make a site announcement on Monday.

  • Another positive vote. I love these things.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • Ditto!

    Brandie Tarvin, MCITP Database AdministratorLiveJournal Blog: http://brandietarvin.livejournal.com/[/url]On LinkedIn!, Google+, and Twitter.Freelance Writer: ShadowrunLatchkeys: Nevermore, Latchkeys: The Bootleg War, and Latchkeys: Roscoes in the Night are now available on Nook and Kindle.

  • I'm completely in awe of Larry's talent in injecting so much humour into whatever he draws. Very few people understand the predicament of developers and DBAs was well as Larry does. This is because he a scientist as well as an artist with a good understanding of technology as well as the human predicament in the workplace. He also actively goes out and asks developers and DBAs about their lives at work, and extracts the essential humor of it. For me, Derek is a real live person. His moods and predicaments are my own.

    We've had a great deal of fun with these comics and I, for one, really look forward to them. Originally, we planned just a finite series of them, but we have continued them because they've been so popular. They've succeeded way beyond what anyone imagined, which is why we now have so many on the site.

    Unfortunately, it has been difficult to justify them, coldly, in terms of the number of visitors they attract to the site. Steve and I are currently seeing how if there are other ways we can persuade Larry to use his genius to amuse and educate the community, and all ideas and suggestions are very welcome. It would be great to get the Red-Gate management to fund another project but it is up to us to come up with something that is bound to appeal to the mainstream of DBAs.

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor

  • Phil Factor (9/16/2010)

    I'm completely in awe of Larry's talent in injecting so much humour into whatever he draws. Very few people understand the predicament of developers and DBAs was well as Larry does. This is because he a scientist as well as an artist with a good understanding of technology as well as the human predicament in the workplace. He also actively goes out and asks developers and DBAs about their lives at work, and extracts the essential humor of it. For me, Derek is a real live person. His moods and predicaments are my own.

    We've had a great deal of fun with these comics and I, for one, really look forward to them. Originally, we planned just a finite series of them, but we have continued them because they've been so popular. They've succeeded way beyond what anyone imagined, which is why we now have so many on the site.

    Unfortunately, it has been difficult to justify them, coldly, in terms of the number of visitors they attract to the site. Steve and I are currently seeing how if there are other ways we can persuade Larry to use his genius to amuse and educate the community, and all ideas and suggestions are very welcome. It would be great to get the Red-Gate management to fund another project but it is up to us to come up with something that is bound to appeal to the mainstream of DBAs.

    "To fund another project", are you guys really that strapped for cash???

    No offense, but last time I checked you were giving 25$ for and article. I can't really imagine you giving more than 100$ per comic, if that much.

    So 5000$ / year @ 25$ a book is 400 books sold to cover the costs (not withstanding the traffic it brings in). With 1.3M members in our little ssc community (I'm assuming at least 10M sql server guys in the world), it would take you less than 1 sell per 1000 members yearly. Now keep in mind that most people will usually also buy the second year, so for year 1 you can aim even lower than that.

    And using 25$ per comic, all you need to do is sell ONE license of the toolbelt to cover your ENTIRE investement for the year, that completely ignoring the lifetime value of your customers.

    Any marketers worth their salt would tell you it's worth a dry run to test the waters.

  • Steve Jones - Editor (9/16/2010)

    This wasn't my decision either. I was informed of this recently, and wasn't sure when Larry would be told.

    I like the comics, and I've made a thread here: http://qa.sqlservercentral.com/Forums/Forum83-1.aspx?Update=1

    Please feel free to chime in. I will make a site announcement on Monday.

    Hey Steve, could you update your link, right nowyour pointing to the forum rather the the thread.


  • Your link is pointing to the wrong place (forum rather than thread).

  • 🙂

  • Ha ha nice one....

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