Re arranging table for reporting

  • Hello,

    I have a table like the following:

    ID   Month  Year   In1   In2    In3   

    A      1       2004   60    20     30

    B      1       2004   50    10     40

    C      1       2004   30    20     10

    A      2       2004   30    11     20

    B      2       2004   60    20     30

    C      2       2004   10    90     45

    B      3       2004   20    10     30

    C      3       2004   60    20     30

    D      3       2004   60    20     30

    This month I can have an entry for ID=A and next month A might not be there and a new ID might show up (in Month=3 there is no A and D is the new ID). What I am trying to get to a table like the following:

    ID   In    Year   Jan   Feb   Mar ...... Dec

    A    1     2004   60    30

    A    2     2004   20    11

    A    3     2004   30    20

    B    1     2004   50    60    20

    B    2     2004   10    20    10

    B    3     2004   40    30    30

    D    1     2004                 60

    D    2     2004                 20

    D    3     2004                 30

    Where In is In1, In2 and In3 from the first table. So far I am able to create the following:

    ID   In    Year   Jan   Feb   Mar ...... Dec

    A    1     2004  

    A    2     2004  

    A    3     2004  

    B    1     2004  

    B    2     2004  

    B    3     2004  

    D    1     2004  

    D    2     2004  

    D    3     2004  

    Any suggestions on what the best was is to populate the data. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you.

  • You have 2 pivots to perform. To translate Column names into data values, you can use a UNION query. This converts the In1, In2 and In3 column into values within a column named "In":

    Select ID, Month, 1 As In, In1 As Amount

    From YourTable


    Select ID, Month, 2 As In, In2 As Amount

    From YourTable


    Select ID, Month, 3 As In, In3 As Amount

    From YourTable


    The 2nd step is to pivot column values into column names. A common method for this is a series of CASE ... WHEN evaluations:

    Select ID, In, Year,  

      Sum ( Case Month When 1 Then Amount Else 0 End ) As Jan,

      Sum ( Case Month When 2 Then Amount Else 0 End ) As Feb,


      Sum ( Case Month When 12 Then Amount Else 0 End ) As Dec



      Select ID, Month, Year, 1 As In, In1 As Amount

      From YourTable


      Select ID, Month, Year, 2 As In, In2 As Amount

      From YourTable


      Select ID, Month, Year, 3 As In, In3 As Amount

      From YourTable

    )  vtable

    Group By ID, In, Year


  • Journeyman,

    I ran the query in query analyzer and it worked perfectly. Thank you very much. I should be able to do:

    insert into myTable(<fields&gt

    <select query from your response>

    Thank you very much

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