re backing up and restoring in sql server express managemnet studio

  • Hi,

    can you guys suggest the way by which we can backup and restore Ms sql server databases when we are connecting to it using ms sql server express 2005 management studio to connect to the database. I have checked if we backup using sql server management studio into a directory of the domain like c:/domains/ if is the domain under which the databse was created by helm

    the backup is made but when we try to restore from the same location is gives an error like access denied or unable to locate file

    please help, is there any other solution for backing up and restoring ms sql databases

  • Are you trying to restore the backup to the same MSSQL instance? Are you sure the logical names of the Data and Log files are correct? Are you sure the locations of the actual Data and Log files (those files with the MDF and LDF extensions) are correct?

  • Your SQL Server service account may not have permissions to the folder, where the backup was created. Try giving SQL Server service account permissions to the folder "c:/domains/"

  • Dear Adam,

    Can you please suggest a way by which we can give a directory access to a specific database user.

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