Re-initialization of transcational replication fail

  • Hi All,

    I have configured three transactional replication one from DC - Data center & DB for database

    DC1-DB1 to DC2-DB1 -- 1

    DC2-DB1 to DC2-DB2 --2

    DC2-DB2 to -DC2-DB3 --3

    Before synching the data on DC2 databases I wanted to truncate / drop the objects on 1 and 2 setup as these are already participating in replication. Setup 1 and 2 are publisher as well as subscriber. I am not able to reinitialize these tables on these setup.

    Could you please share any other approach to synch the data. I cannot use SSIS.

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  • In my replication R1 and R2 and R3 , I am not able to reinitialize as R1 and R2 act as both publisher and subscriber.

    How do I handle re initialization in a transactional replication, when a subscriber act as a publisher for the same articles.

    "More Green More Oxygen !! Plant a tree today"

  • Minaz Amin (2/15/2015)

    In my replication R1 and R2 and R3 , I am not able to reinitialize as R1 and R2 act as both publisher and subscriber.

    How do I handle re initialization in a transactional replication, when a subscriber act as a publisher for the same articles.

    What is the error message?

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