Re: Moving Databases

  • I was moving my user databases to another file location using the "ALTER DATABASE" command under the "Planned Relocation and Scheduled Disk Maintenance Procedure" section described on the following webpage:,printer).aspx

    When I copied the files, I inadvertently copied the log files to the wrong location. After restarting the SQL service, all the databases were available. However, new log files were created in the directory specified in sys.master_files table and the "old" log files (which resided in the wrong directory) were ignored. Should I still consider the database move successful, or did I lose any information?

  • I dont think u'd lose any data.

    refer BOL on checkpoints: ms-help://MS.SQLCC.v9/MS.SQLSVR.v9.en/tsqlref9/html/ccdfc689-ad4e-44c0-83f7-0f2cfcfb6406.htm

    It says shutting down a database causes a checkpoint which means all the dirty pages would be written back to the disk. So I think, you're safe.

    Pradeep Singh

  • - Did you follow best practices by taking a backup before you moved the datafiles ??

    - if you did perform a clean shutdown and there weren't any ongoing transactions, you should be fine.

    - indeed a checkpoint causes all dirty pages being written to disk, but dirty pages means the pages have been modified since they were fetched from disk.

    It (sqlserver) will use the log file(s) to check the pages data for data integrity. So... if an instance crashes or is forcebly shut down, at restart time, it will use the logs to redo the transactions and rollback any open transactions.


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  • You should be fine. The logs should be closed properly when you shut down SQL Server, so I wouldn't expect anything to be broken.

  • ALZDBA (12/28/2008)

    - Did you follow best practices by taking a backup before you moved the datafiles ??

    Yes, I took database backups. However, I was trying to save time and not manually test if the restore was exactly the same as the "improperly moved" databases in question.

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