Re: Problem w/ the cursor in sproc

  • Hi,

    Could anyone tell me why my sproc is in infinite loop?

    Thanks Much!

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spGet_bag_nums

     @work_ord_num char(6),

     @work_ord_line_num char(3),

     @bag_nums int OUT


    declare @bag_num as int

    set @bag_num = 0

    declare get_bags  cursor


    SELECT bag_num

    FROM dbo.tblBag_data

    WHERE LEFT(work_ord_num, 6)  =  @work_ord_num AND

        work_ord_line_num = @work_ord_line_num AND bag_status = 1

    ORDER BY work_ord_num , work_ord_line_num, bag_num

    Open get_bags

    Fetch Next FROM get_bags INTO @bag_num

    While @@Fetch_status = 0


     if @bag_num  = 0

      set @bag_nums = @bag_num


      set @bag_nums = @bag_nums & @bag_num

    Fetch Next FROM get_bags INTO @bag_num


    close get_bags

    deallocate get_bags


  • Should this: set @bag_nums = @bag_nums & @bag_num


      set @bag_nums = @bag_nums + @bag_num

    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Is that the whole code from the proc??

    If so then you just don't need a cursor to execute that command.

    the only thing I could suggest is to change the cursor declaration to this (because cursors are updatable, and slower, by default) :

    cursor FAST_FORWARD for Select...

    Also how long does it take to run the query of the cursor in query analyser?

    Have you debugged the proc to see where the bottleneck of the proc is (opening the cursor / infinite loop)?

    Also is there a way to keep the id stored in work_ord_num into a separate column? This would allow you to index that column allowing you to do an index seek instead of an index scan (the left function forces a scan).

    You can check the execution plan of these 2 queries to see what I mean :

    Select * from dbo.SysObjects where id = 1

    Select * from dbo.SysObjects where left(id, 6) = '1'

    Also on a final note, I think this version of the proc would give you the same results :

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spGet_bag_nums

    @work_ord_num char(6),

    @work_ord_line_num char(3),

    @bag_nums int OUT


    set @bag_nums = 0

    SELECT @bag_nums = @bag_nums | bag_num

    FROM dbo.tblBag_data

    WHERE LEFT(work_ord_num, 6) = @work_ord_num AND

    work_ord_line_num = @work_ord_line_num AND bag_status = 1

    ORDER BY work_ord_num , work_ord_line_num, bag_num

  • Just correcting myself here :

    In my previous post I assume that you are creating a bitmap so I suggested you do something like this :

    Declare @BitMap as int

    set @BitMap = 0

    Select @BitMap = @BitMap | MyBit from


    Select 1 as MyBit

    union all

    Select 2 as MyBit

    union all

    Select 4 as MyBit

    ) A

    Select @BitMap as BitMap

    /*but if all the attributes are unique you could also do it like this which may be a little less safe (have little experience with bitmaps)*/

    Select sum(MyBit) as BitMap from


    Select 1 as MyBit

    union all

    Select 2 as MyBit

    union all

    Select 4 as MyBit

    ) A

  • Thanks AJ & Remi for your replies.

    I need to explain what the @bag_nums should return. I need bag # for ea record that meets the criteria and the bag #'s need to concatenate and return in @bag_nums.


    work_ord    line_num   status    bag_num

    123456         001            1       113

    123456          001            1       114

    123456          001            1        115

    I need  bag #'s concatenate in return value

    @bag_nums = 113114115



  • CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.spGet_bag_nums

    @work_ord_num char(6),

    @work_ord_line_num char(3),

    @bag_nums varchar(8000) OUTPUT


    SET @bag_nums = ''

    SELECT @bag_nums = @bag_nums + CAST(bag_num AS VARCHAR(10)) + ',' /*so you can resplit them on the client*/

    FROM dbo.tblBag_data

    WHERE LEFT(work_ord_num, 6) = @work_ord_num AND

    work_ord_line_num = @work_ord_line_num AND bag_status = 1

    ORDER BY work_ord_num , work_ord_line_num, bag_num


    Thank you Remi!

  • Have you considered my advice on keeping the work_ord_num in a separate column so that a index seek can be used? You'll see a huge speed improvement even on small tables.

  • Hi Remi,

    Are you saying I should have a column for ID OR that work_ord_num should be in a separate column? 

    I don't have have ID column in the table. The primary keys are consisted of work_ord_num(char), work_ord_line_num(char) and bag_num(int).  The work_ord_num stores 9 characters (ex: 123456-00) but the last two characters may not matche up.  Are you saying I should place a six character work_ord_num column in the table use to speed up the search?





  • exactly... also you should convert it to int (unless it's impossible with the data).

    Also even some have disagreed about this I've seen a huge speed improvement in changing my primary keys from char(6) to int on a orders table (yup crappy set-up but I can't change it). I simply copied the data to a new column of type int and moved the clustered index there. In this particular case I've seen speed improvement of 50%-75% on queries that are run 1000s times per day.

  • Hmmm but I'll duplicating the same data.  I'll look into how often will I need to extract the work_ord_num.  I do appreciate your suggestions. 

    Have a great day!

  • actually it might be the other way around...

    In my case I had the id in char because of presentation, once I moved the id to the int column I create a calculated field on to replace the old columns. So I actually save space that way.

  • Hi Remi,

    I just tried using like and it doesn't work. Can you take a quick look?

    SELECT  @bag_nums= COALESCE(@bag_nums + ', ','') + CAST(bag_num AS VARCHAR(10))

    FROM tblBag_data

    WHERE     work_ord_num LIKE "@work_ord_num%" AND

    work_ord_line_num = @work_ord_line_num AND bag_status = 1

    ORDER BY work_ord_num , work_ord_line_num, bag_num

    SELECT  @bag_nums

    Is it better using like than Left function?


  • WHERE work_ord_num LIKE @work_ord_num + '%' AND

  • Thanks Remi!

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