• Hi we are having a really hard time determining the right

    corse of action to take with our MS CRM project. Basically

    we have a MS CRM system setup and fully functioning. The

    problem that we face is that an outsourced party built

    external SQL tables that record Interest and Benefit

    information . When a specific delete is made in the CRM

    system on this Benefit and Interest data the delete is

    being made based on the BenefitTypeId. We need to find a

    way to delete based on a unique id /index??

    Here is all of the information that I think is needed

    please let me know if I can provide additional information

    to assit in the resolution of this problem.

    sincerely Ryan Shawnego

    I am trying to alter or if need be create a trigger that

    will delete just one row out of a table. There are two

    tables involved, one called Benefits and the other called


    Benefits has 9 columns.

    1. AccountId - Primary Key - Uniqueidentifier

    2. BenefitTypeId - int - primary key

    3. Unique_Id - int- primary key

    4. BenefitsExtraContact - varchar

    5. BenefitsComments - varchar

    6. BenefitsDate - datetime

    7. ContactId - uniqueidentifie

    8. BenefitName - varchar

    9. BenefitValue  - money

    The BenefitType has two columns.

    1. BenefitTypeId - Primary key

    2. BenefitDescription - varchar

    There are 16 Benefit Types with a description on each. The

    current delete trigger is in the benefittype table. What

    happens when you select delete on the web page, it will

    delete all benefit types of say 2.  Would like it to just

    delete one row of the benefit type number 2 instead of all

    them.  See trigger below.

    create trigger tD_U_BenefitType on U_BenefitType for

    DELETE as

    /* MMC Builtin Sun Feb 25 11:12:06 2003 */

    /* DELETE trigger on U_BenefitType */


      declare  @errno   int,

               @errmsg  varchar(255)

        /* MMC Builtin Sun Feb 25 11:12:06 2003 */

        /* U_BenefitType R/12 U_Benefits ON PARENT DELETE


        if exists (

          select * from deleted,U_Benefits


            /*  U_Benefits.BenefitTypeId =

    deleted.BenefitTypeId */

            U_Benefits.BenefitTypeId = deleted.BenefitTypeId



          select @errno  = 30001,

                 @errmsg = 'Cannot DELETE U_BenefitType

    because U_Benefits exists.'

          goto error


        /* MMC Builtin Sun Feb 25 11:12:06 2003 */



        raiserror @errno @errmsg

        rollback transaction


    Would greatly appreciate any help on this.

  • Its not clear from the question.

    What you want to do ?? When you delete the BENEFITTYPE from the web page, you want to delete all the BENEFITS associated with it ? or ??


  • I am assuming you just want to limit the amount of rows deleted in one transaction:

    create trigger tD_U_BenefitType on U_BenefitType for

    DELETE as

    /* MMC Builtin Sun Feb 25 11:12:06 2003 */

    /* DELETE trigger on U_BenefitType */


      declare  @errno   int,

               @errmsg  varchar(255)

        /* MMC Builtin Sun Feb 25 11:12:06 2003 */

        /* U_BenefitType R/12 U_Benefits ON PARENT DELETE


    DECLARE @Cnt int

    SET @Cnr = @@ROWCOUNT

    IF @Cnt = 0


    If @Cnt >1


    select @errno  = 50002,    @errmsg = 'Cannot DELETE More than one row at once'

          goto error


        if exists (

          select * from deleted,U_Benefits


            /*  U_Benefits.BenefitTypeId =

    deleted.BenefitTypeId */

            U_Benefits.BenefitTypeId = deleted.BenefitTypeId



          select @errno  = 30001,

                 @errmsg = 'Cannot DELETE U_BenefitType

    because U_Benefits exists.'

          goto error


        /* MMC Builtin Sun Feb 25 11:12:06 2003 */



        raiserror @errno @errmsg

        rollback transaction


    * Noel

  • Yes, thank you Mr Linto, I am trying to limit the records deleted in one transaction.  When I plug the added code that you sent me into the trigger I recieve the error  must declar the variable @cnr.


    Ryan Shawnego

  • You said...  "Would like it to just delete one row of the benefit type number 2 instead of all them." If you mean that you want to delete one row from the Benefits table having a specific BenefitsType id, such as 2, then you don't need a trigger to do it ... just a DELETE that identifies the specific AccountId , Unique_Id, BenefitTypeId ...

    The defined trigger is on the BenefitsType table, and the BenefitTypeId is the primary key. Therefore there is only one record in the table with BenefitTypeId = 2, and trying to delete it will be impossible as long as there is a Foreign Key reference to it in Benefits.



  • Sorry if i misunderstood you..

    First, the sample code put in the forum is not by me.. its by somebody else. To get rid of the error modify the line

    SET @Cnr = @@ROWCOUNT to

    SET @Cnt = @@ROWCOUNT

    And if you want to delete all the benefits table entry when benefitstype deleted, you have to modify the trigger in the following way..

    create trigger tD_U_BenefitType on U_BenefitType for

    DELETE as


      declare  @errno   int,

               @errmsg  varchar(255)

        if exists (

          select * from deleted,U_Benefits


            U_Benefits.BenefitTypeId = deleted.BenefitTypeId



    delete from U_Benefits where BenefitTypeId in (Select deleted.BenefitTypeId from deleted)




    Please note, this will delete all the child table (BENEFITS) entries for the BenefitType.

    Let me know you want something else!


  • sorry for the typo.  I just tried to give you the Idea

    * Noel

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