Rebuild All Indexes in a Database (Tables/Views)

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Rebuild All Indexes in a Database (Tables/Views)

  • But what the reason of rebuilding all indexes?

  • Thanks for sharing query.

    can you please provide benefits of rebuild indexes? i mean is there any performance advantage or any other benefits?

  • If for any reason a rebuild indexes must take place (Heaven knows why) I suggest an alteration so that indexes containing weird characters also will be shown.

    Also specifying that this will not work on a 2008 sql server.

    set @message = ' - rebuilt [' +

    @index_name +

    '] index for ' +

    @table_type + ' ' +

    @table_or_view +

    '...done (' +

    dbo.fun_time_elapsed(@start_detail,@end_detail) + ')'

  • We've had trouble with a few indexes on occasion where a rebuild fixes it for some odd reason. So we just got into the habit of executing a job on Sunday afternoon that rebuilds all the indexes. The problems went away. Don't know why but it works so we keep doing it.

  • I dropped it in and received

    Msg 156, Level 15, State 1, Procedure fun_time_elapsed, Line 22 [Batch Start Line 2]

    Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'declare'.

    Very NEW to MSSQL.

  • There are two queries. The firt creates the function and the other runs it.

  • yes you must run the first query to create the function

    I rebuild my indexes every month after big loads I guess each one

    must have or not have reasons to do this I simply am giving this in the hope it helps someone since it rebuilds both tables and indexed views indexes..

    if it does not apply to you well let it go.....sorry...

    I was wondering the same Why on Earth would Microsoft include a Menu choice for REBUILD ALL OINDEXES I am telling you these gguys at Microsoft at loosing their minds

    in any case I do rebuild indexes and get benefits in speed

  • GOT IT!

    I worked in IT for 35 years and I always said noting is FOOLPROOF, because some fool will come along and prove you wrong.


  • Rebuild or reorganize just for the cause of it is not something you should do.

    Indexes has to monitored over time to see how and when they become a problem.

    There are a lot of T-SQL queries around out there that you can run on a regular basis (without changing anything) to better help you understand what is going on.

    When you know that, then you also know what indexes to rebuild and/or reorganize and at what frequense.

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