Rebuilding Index and Changing Fillfactor is eating all my available disk space

  • This is a clustered index with a fillfactor set at 90.

    I'm running the following in QA


    Running the DBCC REINDEX in Qa, the mdf file has grown 10 gb and still growing, the ldf has grown 12 gb and is still growing. 

    Is there another way to do this that doesn't consume so much disk space?

  • how often are you dumping the transaction log?

    have you ever attempted to shrink the database files?

    DBCC SHRINKFILE /* for the log file */

    get the file id by using sp_helpfile

    DBCC SHRINKDATABASE /* for the data file */

    I use the TRUNCATEONLY option...

    hope this helps...


    Joe Burdette

  • along those lines, another thing you might look at is the following command:

    dbcc sqlperf (logspace)

    you might be surprised at just how much space you have allocated, that is NOT being used...


    Joe Burdette

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