Receiving notification from Reporting Services Trace Logs

  • We had an issue where a password change had prevented a number of our reports from running. For some of the reports I was able to go to the ExecutionLog table and see which ones had failed, but a couple of the reports that didn't run did not show up in that table (As an aside, this is due to some uniqueness in our processes). I did ultimately find out what the problem was, and the full list of which reports did not run, by looking at the Reporting Services trace log files.

    I'd like to be a little more proactive and make sure that the DBAs are being notified when reports fail, for whatever reason. A solution for checking the ExecutionLog table is fairly simple, but I'm struggling with a way to get notified when an error shows up in the Reporting Services trace logs.

    Any ideas?

  • Though getting email alerts from the trace log errors in general would be nice, I'll settle for this to get started on monitoring subscriptions.

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