Recover from corrupt MDF or BAK

  • I everyone

    anyone experienced a recover from a corrupted MDF File or BAK File ?

    I've a MDF and BAK file got from a break RAID 5 volume. The file are consistent, by dimension and MFT entries, but is not SQLServer READABLE. Is it possible to "load" anything READABLE is in the file not minding of qhat is not READABLE or SQLServer structured ???


  • To the best of my knowledge the answer is no. I also know of no tool to correct a broken file.

  • quote:

    To the best of my knowledge the answer is no. I also know of no tool to correct a broken file.

    Even i can open (in HEX) the backup file and verify the data is inside ???

    I think is just a matter of structure of bak file.

    Anyway .. thanks a lot

  • I once tried to bring a db back to life I intentionally corrupted. I didn't succeed. If you manage to edit it properly in a hex editor, please post again.


    Edited by - Frank kalis on 11/26/2003 07:21:26 AM

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Have you tried an "Emergency" mode recovery?

    Failing that, are you in any of the Microsoft Partner programs (or anything else that gives you an allotment of help calls)?

    One of my colleagues once brought a very important db back from the dead (this had been corrupted by a RAID failure BTW) with some exceptionally knowledgable help from Microsoft Support.

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