Rectangles creation

  • I have a report where it has Big outer Rectangle and it has 9 small rectangles inside the big Rectangle....

    Below are the things am trying to do...

    1. I want to place 9 small rectangles inside the Big rectangle

    2. They need to be same size when the rectangles got placed

    3. And also they need to have same space between each rectangle on the top bottom,left and can i set the same space between each rectangles inside the big rectangle....

  • Not sure what your questions is... yes, you can do what are suggesting.

  • One way is to use table.

    Create table with 7 rows and 7 columns. Use odd columns and rows (1,3,5,7) as dividers set their width/height to the same value. Use even cells as your inner rectangles and use table itself as a big (outer) rectangle. Set BorderStyle properties approprietly, so the border around table and around each cell is visible.

    --Vadim R.

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