Recursive loop between a table and itself

  • I have a simple table tblWorkedHours

    ID int,

    PayPeriod int,

    MonthEnd date,

    WorkedHours float,

    ContractHours float,

    OwedHours float,

    PrvsOwedHours float,

    FinalOwedHours float

    I have two calculated columns called PrvsOwedHours, FinalOwedHours.

    FinaOWedHours = OWedHOurs+PrvsOwedHours.

    PrvsOwedHours is the Previous months FinalOwedHours, that is carried forward into the next month.

    But what is the best way to do this...should I create a new table every month and link the two or is therd some way to do it recursively.

    I have no test data im afraid...

  • If those are calculated columns, why do you need them at all?

    You certainly don't need a table per month. On the worst scenario, you could use a self join.

    Luis C.
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  • HI Thanks for your prompt reply.

    When I calculate the FinalOwedHours I need to bring it back into the calculation for the next month as PrvsOwedHours !

    SO I am not sure how to do that !

  • I would recommend not using floats here. You should use an exact datatype like numeric instead. Once you start doing calculations and stuff using floats you will get rounding errors because float is an approximate datatype. Especially as this appears to be some sort of system involved in payroll you need to be precise.


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  • Thank you for that info.

    Your absolutely right I should use numeric as to avoid all sorts of rounding errors etc thank you.

    I have decided to create a table to solve my recursive problem and each month the user has to insert (via a form in any employees who carry over owed hours.

    Its not elegant bit it will work and avoid a nasty recursive dilemma.

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