Reference of SubQuery in a Query

  • Hi,all

    I have a following query ,

    select distinct bg.bg_id [BugId],

    (select top 1 bgAudit.bgstad_added_dt from Bug_Status_Audit bgAudit where bgAudit.BgStAd_bg_id=bg.bg_id and BgStAd_New_st_id=1) [Open] ,

    (select top 1 bgAudit.bgstad_added_dt from Bug_Status_Audit bgAudit where bgAudit.BgStAd_bg_id=bg.bg_id and BgStAd_New_st_id=5) [Close]

    from bugs bg inner join Bug_Status_Audit on bg.bg_id=BgStAd_bg_id


    above query return three column name BugId,Open,Close.

    Column Open,Close come from Subquery. and of type DateTime.

    I want to put in where clause that both Open,Close should not be null.

    and i also want fourth column that use function datediff().

    for above two thing, is their any way to use subquery in same query with their reference. or i need to enter same subquery in where Clause and DateDiff () function.

    Thanks in advance..

  • Try this:


    bg.bg_id [BugId],

    bgAuditOpen.bg_added_dt [Open],

    bgAuditClose.bg_added_dt [Close],

    DATEDIFF(dd, bgAuditClose.bg_added_dt, bgAuditOpen.bg_added_dt) [NumberOfDays]


    bugs bg

    INNER JOIN Bug_Status_Audit bgAuditOpen ON bg.bg_id = bgAuditOpen.BgStAd_bg_id AND bgAuditOpen.BgStAd_New_st_id = 1

    INNER JOIN Bug_Status_Audit bgAuditClose ON bg.bg_id = bgAuditClose.BgStAd_id AND bgAuditClose.BgStAd_New_st_id = 5


    bgAuditOpen.bg_added_dt IS NOT NULL

    AND bgAuditClose.bg_added_dt IS NOT NULL

  • SELECT bg.bg_id AS BugID,

    MIN(CASE WHEN BgStAd_New_st_id = 1 THEN bgAudit.bgstad_added_dt ELSE NULL END) AS [Open]

    MAX(CASE WHEN BgStAd_New_st_id = 5 THEN bgAudit.bgstad_added_dt ELSE NULL END) AS [Close]

    FROM Bugs AS bg

    INNER JOIN Bug_Status_Audit AS bgAudit ON bgAudit.BgStAd_bg_id = bg.bg_id

    GROUP BY bg.bg_id

    N 56°04'39.16"
    E 12°55'05.25"

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