regards Dynamic Properties Task in DTS

  • declare @iVar int

    select @iVar = ?

    When using OLEDB, I get a syntax error.  When using ODBC, I get "sql statement does not contain any parameters.  How are you getting this to work?  I would LOVE to be able to do this!!!

    [font="Courier New"]ZenDada[/font]

  • I don't know.

    It just works. I have SQL Server 2000 Server component installed on my machine.

    It's SP3. Maybe it makes a difference?

  • Each of the connections hold the Datasource(Server) and Catalog(Database). So the SourceObjName and DestObjName on the datapump task only need to [owner].

    You will need to take out the Database name via Disconnected Edit, but once thats done you can change server and database properties on the connections to point to wherever you like.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Not exactly sure what you are wanting to do here. Are you wanting to return the INTERVAL_ID and store it in a global variable? If so, then you need to assign it to a row value output parameter.

    I would just have this as the SQL statement



    Then assign your date global variable to the two input parameters and assign the output parameter to your gv_INTERVALID global variable.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface


    Won't it be looking for the second Input Parameter?

    I thought it retrieves parameters one by one.

    So it would look for the second Input Parameter.

    Otherwise let's say you have two Input Parameters.

    How then your SQL Task knows which one is which?

    I think you can use "?" for the same Input Parameter only once in your SQL statement.

  • In the input parameters dialog, you can specify the same global variable for each of the parameters.

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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