Regsrvr.xml Programing

  • Hello, this may need to be in the SMO topic since it may deal with using SMO. Anyway, has anyone every looked at the structure of the regsrvr.xml? What I am looking for is the structure of the xml and how new entries are saved into the file. Possibly a MS document on the file (one can always hope).

    What I want to do is take an empty regsrvr.xml and add resgistered servers on my network to it. I know that thorough SMO this can be done, but I was potentially wanting to use simple IO to ready and write to the file. I know that each entry has serveral key factors and those are what I am interested in. I am using VS2010 C# and this is ASP.NET based application runnig on Server 2008. Let me know if I have not made clear what I am wanting to do or if someone else has done something similar. In searching the net I did not find much aside from using SMO. Thanks

  • I Think SMO Use In SEO RIght ??

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