reindexing problem SQL2K - General network error

  • When I reindex all tables in a database(30GB) in SQL2k , some of the tables get reindexed successfully and in between the error below comes:

    ConnectionRead (recv()). [SQLSTATE 01000]

    Msg 11, Sev 16: General network error. Check your network documentation. [SQLSTATE 08S01

    Any clues??


  • H!!,

    even my our junior DBA had similar type  of error ..I had asked him to temoprarly Increased RAM and using sp_configure adjust memory used by SQL server  considering the total RAM and virtual memory .Finall reindexing wa done for each and every index.


    Vinod (DBA)


    ph  09840856202

  • I have 8GB RAm on amy server and I think should be enough. Although after researching I have got below possible reasons for this:

    1) There is some update,select,insert activity happenning in the tables which are being reindexed

    2) When SQL tries to correct indexes and someone is still logged in or they a login has stayed active to the database

    3) There is very high load on the server and SQL is unable to maintain connection to data files on hard disk.


  • H!! Anurag,

            If you want to get the total advantage of reindexing then you have to opt for offline reindexing.Usally downtime'll be taken for reindexing process



  • Thanks for your help..

  • Thanks for your help..

  • Has anybody had this same error while doing full backup from a schedule task?

    This is my first time seeing this error.




  • Yes I got the same error while taking full backup through scheduled job. After researching I found same reasons for failure as in case of reindexing.

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