Remedial Replication: still add/delete pairs?

  • Does SQL 2000 transaction-based replication still use add/delete pairs the way previous versions did?  (Sorry for the dumb question.  I supported 6.5 replication for ~4 years, but hadn't yet worked with that part of 2000.  )


  • Don't know about pre-7 versions, but SQL Server 7 / 2K both support updates via transactional replication. I.e. they either send actual SQL UPDATE statements or call custom stored procedures passing them the data that has changed. They also support "update replication", which is a horse of a different color. Hope I understood your question correctly.

    Have Fun!

  • Thanks.  In pre-Version7, in transactional replication the SQL UPDATE statement was not used; rather, it was DELETE 'old' then INSERT 'new'.  So if one, say, updated a row and changed state from 'MASS' to 'MA' on the publisher, then the transaction passed to the poor subscriber was 'DELETE from table where uniqueid = n; INSERT into table where uniqueid = n'.  Which caused some mightly ugly locking and thrashing on the subscriber's side some days.  This looks much calmer.  thanks again


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