Reminder emails

  • Greetings experts,

    We have a difficult requirement.

    When records are initially created, they are given statuses of New, Pending, Closed

    By default, the status is New.

    If no action has been taken after 15 days since the records were created, users are sent a reminder.

    I have this part working.

    The problem is that as long as the status is not equal to closed, start sending reminders every 10 days.

    I am not sure how to approach this.

    Any ideas?

    Here is what I am working with:

    SELECT [ID] , [Name], [Email],


    FROM myTable

    WHERE Status_Name != 'Closed' AND Status_Name IS NOT NULL and Status_Name = 'New' and Status='Pending'

    AND CONVERT(Char,DateAdd(day,-15,getdate()),101) = CONVERT(Char,Date_Entered,101)

  • assuming the data is right, your query works for me;

    do you have a seperate table that tracks each email you sent out, asswociated to the unique item/ID? you need to track outbound messages.

    maybe you want to test that the date is older than 15 days, and a message is not sent yet, rahtehr than a hardcoded date match?

    ie AND Date_Entered < DateAdd(day,-15,getdate()) AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM EmailHistory WHERE DateSent > DateAdd(day,-10,getdate())

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.[dbo].[#myTable]') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE [dbo].[#myTable]

    SELECT 1 AS [ID] ,

    'New Item' AS [Name],

    '' AS [Email],

    'Pending' AS [Status],

    'New' AS Status_Name,

    DATEADD(dd,-15,getdate()) AS Date_Entered

    INTO #myTable

    SELECT [ID] , [Name], [Email],


    CONVERT(Char,DateAdd(day,-15,getdate()),101) AS TheDate,

    CONVERT(Char,Date_Entered,101) As TargetDate

    FROM #myTable

    WHERE Status_Name != 'Closed'

    and Status_Name = 'New'

    and Status='Pending'

    AND CONVERT(Char,DateAdd(day,-15,getdate()),101) = CONVERT(Char,Date_Entered,101)


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  • Hi Lowell, yes, I do have a separate table that tracks emails called Notifications.

    Each time a reminder is sent, a field called Sent is updated from No to Yes.

    This way, the email doesn't get sent again until new records are inserted into this table.

    I am reviewed the query and I understand using 15 days to process records not closed after 14 days but the reminder needs to go out after 10 days.

    So, initially, send reminders after 14 days and status is not closed. After this initial reminder, start sending reminders every 10 days.

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