Remote connection to SQL

  • I have a SQL Server box that is not on our domain. I can connect to the server using RDP with a local user and then login to SQL Server. The problem is that I also need to connect to this SQL Server instance to run data queries. Unfortunatly the application that is running in this standalone server does not support mixed mode authentication. I have a user on that server and SQL Server called SVRX\DBA howver I'm not sure how to use this login from another server to access the database. Any ideas?

  • Are you try to connect remotely via SSMS or from your application? If via SSMS, you should be able to connect to it using SQL auth. As you mentioned that the server is not on your domain, you may need to using the IP address if the server name is not resolveable via your DNS. You need to ensure that SQL Server Browser service on the server is running so that it can listen to remote connection requests.

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