Remote desktop Protocol error on table edit

  • Hi,

    Just wondering if anyone has encountered this same problem before.

    When using the Edit option in SSMS and changing data within a table, I got a protocol error and my remote desktop session was disconnected.

    Then when trying to connect again the same error comes up. One needs to go into terminal services on the server and log off from there to allow a connection again.

    Any ideas as to why this might happen would be great.



  • Hi Jinx,

    Could you please send the exact error that you are receiving?



  • Hi,

    I get the error message:

    Because of a protocol error, this session will be disconnected. Please try connecting to the remote computer again.

    To get this error I followed the following process:

    In ssms right click option to select top 1000 rows from table. The in another window right click option to edit then in a new row edit a column. The error pops up, kills the remote session, and I need to log in as a different user to kill the session in terminal services.



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