Remote Security

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Remote Security

  • Remote desktop is certainly what we're doing - that way you only have one thing to control access to, the terminal server. Application access can then be controlled via desktop policy and you can essentially recreate your internal environment.

    Moving files between home/work PCs is tricky, but there are so many holes anyway (USB drives, mainly) I don't see this as a seperate problem from securing the work desktop.

    The ideal solution is not to allow copying of documents from the remote to the local machine, but this can be annoying for the user because file access becomes slower (although this is less of a problem these days).

    If you take the view that the user is going to move files between home and work anyway then all you can do is make sure you have good virus detection and trust your workforce.

    If you don't trust your workforce then you should be looking to USB security and data access auditing before remote access security anyway.

  • I would love to work remotely off-site, but being a member of the Admin team, this isn't allowed by my employer. :unsure:

  • I happen to be working from home right at the moment. Everyone in IT and quite a few people in management have been given the ability to do so.

    We use a combination of Citrix and remote desktop combined with a key generator that gets one past the first level of security.

    Each person has access to different levels through Citrix. Some can only get to email. Since I can remote to my desktop, I can do anything from home that I can do from work. We can even conference in to meetings via an 800 number if we need to.

    From an IT perspective, it is extremely handy when one gets paged in the middle of the night. It is also heavily used when the weather gets bad in the winter time.

    Most people in IT are also permitted to work form home one day a week. We usually try to make sure someone from our team is onsite.

    I usually work form home on Fridays, but since I have a dental appointment this afternoon, I am home today.

    This also saves me some $$ since I work 38 miles away.

    It is one of the things that keeps me (and others) working here.


    “I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”...Robert McCloskey


  • I like to leave around 4 PM to beat the traffic. I walk my dog and then I log on remotely at about 5:30 and tie all loose ends. Fridays are offen different because after 5 we go, as a team, for a beer or two, and that is somewhat difficult to do remotely.

  • Telecommuting during off-hours my company supports. However, telecommuting during normal business hours during the week is frowned on by management. 😀

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

  • I can telecommute whenever I need/want to but I do like to be in the office for the companionship. It can get lonely at home without anybody to talk to!

    Nicole Bowman

    Nothing is forever.

  • Nicole Bowman (10/25/2010)

    I can telecommute whenever I need/want to but I do like to be in the office for the companionship. It can get lonely at home without anybody to talk to!

    For me, the workplace is not a social occasion, I'm paid to be there and do a job. So, companionship on the job is not a concern for me personally. As far as home goes, I have a girlfriend and a dog, so I have all the companionship at home I need. 😀

    "Technology is a weird thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other. ...:-D"

  • I would love to have another husky but large dogs and units/apartments don't really mix well. I only have a tank of tropical fish to keep me company at home and they aren't very good conversationalists!

    Over all though, I can get a lot of work done at home without the distractions of the office and it is very handy when I have to go to an appointment in the middle of the day.

    Nicole Bowman

    Nothing is forever.

  • Telecommuting is a highly useful tool that more companies should use. If managed properly it can certainly extend the task force, the employment base, and can also help employees maintain schedules - especially if unexpected events happen.

    We use VMWare as well as VPN and RDP.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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