Removal of Foreign Key's from DB.

  • Is there a proc or method by which all FK's can be removed for all the USER tables in a given databases. The problem is the there are about 70 databases and we need to drop all the FK relationships. Does anyone have some script to do that.


  • One alternative is to use sysobjects

    select OBJECT_NAME(parent_obj), name

    from sysobjects

    where xtype = 'F'

    This gives the list of table name and associated foreign keys. You can declare a cursor to loop through each of them and drop them.

    To loop through the databases you can use master..sysdatabases system table.

  • Here is a modification of the script above to create a batch that would do the work. You would then apply the batch to the given database:

    select 'ALTER TABLE ' + OBJECT_NAME(parent_obj) + ' DROP CONSTRAINT ' + name + CHAR(13) + 'GO' + CHAR(13)

    from sysobjects

    where xtype = 'F'

  • Another work around.

    declare @foreignkey sysname

    declare @referencingtable sysname

    declare @cmd sysname

    DECLARE fkey_cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT object_name(constid), object_name(fkeyid) from sysreferences

    OPEN fkey_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM fkey_cursor INTO @foreignkey, @referencingtable



    select @cmd = 'alter table ' + @referencingtable + ' drop constraint ' + @foreignkey

    print @cmd

    exec (@cmd)

    FETCH NEXT FROM fkey_cursor INTO @foreignkey, @referencingtable


    CLOSE fkey_cursor

    DEALLOCATE fkey_cursor


  • Thanks for all answers :))

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