Remove a Filegroup

  • 😀 Thank you -- worked awesome for me!

  • I am having a similar issue and I do have partitioned tables. However, I removed the partitioned tables (stored procedures, schema, etc.) prior to trying to remove the file/file group. When I run the query posted, no results are returned. However, I still cannot delete the file group. Any other suggestions?

  • what is the error you are getting?

  • You might not be able to drop the filegroup because something still remains on it. Here are a couple of queries copied from other locations on the internet that helped me discern what was left on the filegroups:

    --Find objects on Filegroups:



    TableName = OBJECT_NAME(p.object_id),

    PartitionNo = p.partition_number,

    FileGroup = FILEGROUP_NAME(a.data_space_id)

    --,IndexName =

    FROM sys.allocation_units a

    INNER JOIN sys.partitions p ON a.container_id = CASE WHEN a.type in(1,3) THEN p.hobt_id ELSE p.partition_id END AND p.object_id > 1024

    LEFT JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id

    ORDER BY TableName, p.partition_number, FileGroup

    --Find HIDDEN objects on Filegroups:


    select case when indexes.type_desc in ('HEAP','CLUSTERED')

    then 'Table-' + indexes.type_desc

    else ' NC Index' end as indexType,


    case when indexProperty(objects.object_id,,'IsUnique') = 1

    then 'unique ' else '' end +

    case when isNull(objectProperty(object_id( + '.'

    +,'IsConstraint'),0) = 1

    then 'constraint ' else '' end +

    case when indexProperty(objects.object_id,,'IsAutoStatistics') = 1

    then 'auto ' else '' end +

    case when indexProperty(objects.object_id,,'IsStatistics') = 1

    then 'statistics ' else '' end +

    case when indexProperty(objects.object_id,,'IsHypothetical') = 1

    then 'hypothetical ' else '' end

    as varchar(30))) as indexProperties, + '.' + as tableName,

    coalesce(,'') as indexName, as filegroup

    from sys.indexes as indexes

    join sys.objects

    on indexes.object_id = objects.object_id

    join sys.schemas

    on objects.schema_id = schemas.schema_id

    join sys.filegroups as filegroups

    on indexes.data_space_id = filegroups.data_space_id

    where objectproperty(indexes.object_id,'IsMSShipped') = 0

    order by tableName, case when indexes.type_desc in ('HEAP','CLUSTERED') then 0 else 1 end

  • Feeling pretty stupid. :rolleyes:

    I was getting the file group not empty error. I had not deleted my partition scheme or partition function yet. I did not realize they were tied to the file groups, but sort of makes sense they are. Anyhow, once I removed the scheme and function, I was able to delete the file groups. Thanks for quick reply. (There are maybe five people out of 40 here today. 🙂 )

  • glad I could help!

  • Grasshopper you are a star! I have had the same problem on our production DB for weeks. Empty file, delete file, empty filegroup, "The filegroup 'UserData' cannot be removed because it is not empty.


    Thanks to your script I have found a table that claims to have a PK on the old filegroup. Moving that to a new filegroup had no effect. Dropping the PK had no effect. Then (by adding ,* to the end of your script) I noticed that there was still a NULL entry for the table with "LOB_DATA" in the type_desc column.

    There was indeed a column defined as nvarchar(max) and checking the maximum datalength in that column for the table, it showed me 2338 as the maximum used, so I changed the column to nvarchar(2400) instead, and without any other changes I was finally able to drop the empty filegroup. 😀

    SSC-Journeyman, I hope this helps you too:


    TableName = OBJECT_NAME(p.object_id),

    PartitionNo = p.partition_number,

    FileGroup = FILEGROUP_NAME(a.data_space_id)

    ,IndexName =

    , *

    FROM sys.allocation_units a

    INNER JOIN sys.partitions p ON a.container_id = CASE WHEN a.type in(1,3) THEN p.hobt_id ELSE p.partition_id END AND p.object_id > 1024

    LEFT JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.object_id = p.object_id AND i.index_id = p.index_id

    ORDER BY FileGroup, TableName, p.partition_number

    Now that just leaves me one more tricky filegroup to sort out - does anyone know why my empty PRIMARY filegroup is still taking up 18GB of disk space and will not shrink any further?!?



  • with ur work around same problem exists

    can any please tell how to remove filegroup from DB.

    Before removing i am taking backup of database then removing filegroup for making that production table less heavy .

    Also i will be putting restoring that backup if any problem in the database

    i am creating a archival engine where there is automatic backup and restoring when needed

  • I believe you have to take the following steps first

    1. Drop all the tables first

    2. Remove file/files from the filegroup




  • I actually found an easy solution to this fix since I had the same issue.

    I was trying to remove the filegroup [fg_LMeterDetail_13] but got the "cannot be removed because it is not empty" error. This filegroup's only sin was being associated with a partition scheme. This filegroup had no data.

    So after finding there's no opposite to NEXT USED, I experimented and found that you can issue another NEXT USED but pointing it to the previous filegroup:


    NEXT USED [fg_LMeterDetail_12]

    After that, I was able to issue the REMOVE FILEGROUP which then automatically removed it from the partition scheme


    FILEGROUP [fg_LMeterDetail_13]

    Voila! It worked!

    You're welcome everyone.

    Tung Dang
    Senior SQL Server DBA
    Calpine Energy Solutions
    Brain Box SQL Mobile DBA

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