Remove comments from the SQL Code

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Remove comments from the SQL Code

    Kindest Regards,
    Shivaram Challa
    ( - Home of the "Excel to CSV converter & Browsepad applications".)
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • It's not good.

    It doesn't take care if comments are in string (between single quote) when they aren't actually comments.

  • This doesnt work for me. My version of Sybase only supports two arguments for charindex.

  • /*

    No Limitations

    Please refer mentioned below function to remove comments in String.


    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Ufn_Remove_Comments] (@definition VARCHAR(MAX))

    RETURNS @TblDefinition TABLE


    Definition VARCHAR(MAX)





    Author : Rajesha Soratoor

    Purpose : Returns text with out any comments in it.

    Description : This code handle nested comments like Mentioned below.











    --Rajesha soratoor



    DECLARE @startPosition INT = 0

    DECLARE @endPosition INT = 0

    DECLARE @PrevEndPosition INT = 0

    DECLARE @comment VARCHAR(MAX) = ''

    DECLARE @len INT = 0

    DECLARE @vbCrLf CHAR(2)

    SET @vbCrLf = CHAR(13) + CHAR(10)

    /*Dealing with /* ... */ kind of comments */

    WHILE Patindex('%/*%',@definition) <> 0


    SET @startPosition = Patindex('%/*%',@definition)

    SET @endPosition = Patindex('%*/%',@definition)

    SET @len = (@endPosition + 2) - @startPosition

    SELECT @definition = STUFF(@definition,


    @endPosition - @startPosition + 2, --2 is the length of the search term


    SET @PrevEndPosition = @startPosition

    SET @startPosition = Patindex('%/*%',@definition)

    SET @endPosition = Patindex('%*/%',@definition)

    WHILE @startPosition > @endPosition OR @startPosition = 0


    SELECT @definition = STUFF(@definition,


    @endPosition - @PrevEndPosition + 2, --2 is the length of the search term


    SET @startPosition = Patindex('%/*%',@definition)

    SET @endPosition = Patindex('%*/%',@definition)

    IF @startPosition = 0 and @endPosition = 0




    /*Dealing with --... kind of comments */

    SELECT @startPosition = CHARINDEX('--',@definition)

    WHILE @startPosition > 0

    AND CHARINDEX(@vbCrLf,@definition,@startPosition) > @startPosition

    SELECT @definition = STUFF(@definition,


    CHARINDEX(@vbCrLf,@definition,@startPosition) - @startPosition + 2,



    INSERT INTO @TblDefinition

    SELECT @definition




  • Hi Rajesh

    SELECT * FROM dbo.Ufn_RemoveComments2 (' HELLO /* WORLD */ ')

    This code doesn't seem to yield any results using your function. It does work nicely with nested comments.

    Kindest Regards,
    Shivaram Challa
    ( - Home of the "Excel to CSV converter & Browsepad applications".)
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • You can handle all the nested comments by using the following code:


    @comment VARCHAR(100),

    @endPosition INT,

    @startPosition INT,

    @commentLen INT,

    @substrlen INT,

    @len INT

    WHILE (CHARINDEX('/*',@def)<>0)


    SET @endPosition = charindex('*/',@def)

    SET @substrlen=len(substring(@def,1,@endPosition-1))

    SET @startPosition = @substrlen - charINDEX('*/',reverse(substring(@def,1,@endPosition-1)))+1

    SET @commentLen = @endPosition - @startPosition

    SET @comment = substring(@def,@startPosition-1,@commentLen+3 )

    SET @def = REPLACE(@def,@comment,CHAR(13))


    Kindest Regards,
    Shivaram Challa
    ( - Home of the "Excel to CSV converter & Browsepad applications".)
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • I'm curious as to what circumstances you would plan on using this script - the hard part is usually getting developers to include comments in the first place; I can't think of any obvious justification for getting rid of them.

  • Andrew Watson-478275 (7/4/2012)

    I'm curious as to what circumstances you would plan on using this script - the hard part is usually getting developers to include comments in the first place; I can't think of any obvious justification for getting rid of them.

    Just what I though! I comment nearly everything as it helps yourself as much as others.

    Now if there was a script to ADD comments into SQL... Well that'd get 6 out of 5 stars!

    ~ UKGav

  • We used to do this when the code was placed in an off-site computer. It makes it more difficult for personal who aren't supposed to be in it to mess it up. I haven't done this with SQL, but I have done it with assembler, C, C++ and FORTRAN.

  • I originally wrote this function, to be used in another function that searches for a keyword in the stored procedures. I was getting false hits for the words in the comments; so this function strips out comments before running the search.

    This was back in 2009, I don't remember why exactly I needed the keyword search function though.

    Kindest Regards,
    Shivaram Challa
    ( - Home of the "Excel to CSV converter & Browsepad applications".)
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url]

  • Thanks for the script.

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