Removing / Deleting Data from 2 tables

  • Hi there,

    I have found a bunch of duplicate records in our housing database that ideally I need to delete.

    There are two tables that I need to remove data from -

    ih_cml_log_entry and ih_cml_log_notes. There is no unique identifier between the tables for a log entry. So I have had to join on the person_ref, log_seq and the date/time of entry.

    How do I go about deleting the data - I've used the script below to identify what I need to delete -

    SELECT *



    select cml.person_ref, cml.open_date + open_time as 'datetime',cml.open_user,cml.log_type

    ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY cml.person_ref, cml.open_date + cml.open_time,cml.open_user,cml.log_type ORDER BY (SELECT 0)) AS RowNo


    FROM ih_cml_log_entry cml

    left outer join

    ih_cml_log_notes n

    on cml.person_ref = n.person_ref

    and cml.open_date + open_time = n.created_date + n.created_time

    and cml.log_seq = n.log_seq

    ) as sub

    where [RowNo] <> 1

    order by [datetime]

  • With no unique identifier you may struggle to delete some rows and keep others. You could run a query to all the unique rows into another table, then drop/rename or delete every from the existing table and replace it the de-duplicated data.

  • The relatively simple way is to put your check for duplicate data into a CTE then just delete from that CTE where ROW_NUMBER != 1.

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