Repeate Table Header in SSRS 2008

  • the technique of getting the wizard to generate a simple table report with no groupings i.e. just the header and details rows, and then cutting and pasting the xml for the tablixmember (rows) section has worked for me. Note that NONE of the other stuff i.e. advanced properties and keeptogether/repeatrowsonnewpage/ keepafter worked.

    So the Microsoft SSRS people still have some work to do.

  • I got it to work by setting

    RepeatOnNewPage to True and

    KeepWithGroup to After

  • This is a known bug in SSRS 2008. I have not been able to find any fixes for it. I believe the bug persists in 2008 R2.

    I have had the best luck in getting this to work by making the tablix property setting, and the advanced grouping pane settings early in my report development and then being very careful what else I do.

    I have found that the following things usually break the repeat on new page settings

    -Deleting any columns, especially deleting columns that are the left hand part of a row grouping.

    -Merging columns

    -Hiding row groups with toggle on/off. When the row groups are hidden the repeating rows do not appear, when they are expanded, they do appear.

    The one work around is to place textboxes for your repeating columns in the report header area with the correct alignment to the table below.

    Good luck.

  • Check out my blog, I had the same error.

  • I discovered that if I delete a region (column) on the left side that was automatically created when I create a group I get error messages and cannot get the header rows to repeat on each page. However, by reducing the width of this column to zero, I was able to get it to work. Likewise, if you delete a group, you have to delete the corresponding region (column) that belongs to this group in order to get row headers to repeat on each page.

  • yes,there is an option to repeat the header rows on every page for a Matrix in SSRS 2008.

    Go the Matrix properties-->>Column Headers and Check Header columns on each page.

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