Repeating row headers on each page

  • Hi, perhaps someone can explain what is going on here.

    I have created an inventory report of SQL Server instances in the environment. (See attachment)

    Problem is that the header row does not appear at the top of each page. From reading some articles, it looks like it has to do with the grouping (static and groups) but I don't know how to fix the issue. It seems like SSRS does not realize that the row in blue is a header.

    Can anyone tell what needs to be adjusted by looking at the image in the attachment?

    Thanks much,


  • In row groups sector, click on the top one static and in properties window change value for RepeatOnNewPage property to True

  • Thanks for responding. Unfortunately, changing the very top Static to RepeatOnNewPage = True does not cause my header row to repeat on new pages. When I advance to page two, there is no header.

  • You could try adding a page header and moving the text values to the page header, but it can be difficult to line everything up then

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