repeating rows for different years


    I already have a table in the form:

    1 Key_m int 4 0

    0 GeographicCode varchar 10 1

    0 Year_census_estimate int 4 1

    0 Sex int 4 1

    0 Age_start int 4 1

    0 Age_end int 4 1

    0 Person_count float 8 1

    0 Age_range varchar 21 1

    At the moment the Year_census_estimate only has entries for 2006.  I would like to duplicate all the 2006 entries to the year 2005.  I would like to do the same for 2004 and all the way down to 1981.  I can't duplicate the key as this should be an IDENTITY column.  And obviously the corresponding year needs to be entered into Year_census_estimate.  Please could someone suggest the best, most compact and error free way of doing this. 



  • Is this what you're looking for???  Please excuse the formatting....

    CREATE TABLE #myTable(

    Key_m int IDENTITY NOT NULL,

    GeographicCode varchar(10) NULL,

    Year_census_estimate int NULL,

    Sex int  NULL,

    Age_start int NULL,

    Age_end int NULL,

    Person_count float(8) NULL,

    Age_range varchar(21) NULL,


    --Just some demo data here....

    INSERT INTO #myTable  (Geographiccode, Year_census_estimate, Sex, Age_Start, Age_End, Person_count, Age_range)

    VALUES ('northeast',2006,1,19,25,15000,'70')

    INSERT INTO #myTable  (Geographiccode, Year_census_estimate, Sex, Age_Start, Age_End, Person_count, Age_range)

    VALUES ('southeast', 2006, 1, 19, 25, 15000, '70')

    INSERT INTO #myTable  (Geographiccode, Year_census_estimate, Sex, Age_Start, Age_End, Person_count, Age_range)

    VALUES ('MidWest', 2006, 1, 19, 25, 15000, '70')

    INSERT INTO #myTable  (Geographiccode, Year_census_estimate, Sex, Age_Start, Age_End, Person_count, Age_range)

    VALUES ('northwest', 2006, 1, 19, 25, 15000, '70')

    INSERT INTO #myTable  (Geographiccode, Year_census_estimate, Sex, Age_Start, Age_End, Person_count, Age_range)

    VALUES ('southWest', 2006, 1, 19, 25, 15000, '70')

    --what you're really looking for.   Since you just want to repeat the data changing the year...  You could theoretically do this in a while loop changing the Year as needed.

    INSERT INTO #MyTable (Geographiccode, Year_census_estimate, Sex, Age_Start, Age_End, Person_count, Age_range)

     SELECT Geographiccode, 2005, Sex, Age_Start, Age_End, Person_count, Age_range

     FROM #MyTable

     WHERE Year_census_estimate = 2006

    SELEcT * FROM #Mytable

    -- Cleanup

    DROP TABLE #myTable

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  • Thanks,  I was about to post an update along those lines.  I think that I won't bother with the while loop.

  • A simple tally table and a cross join will save you a while loop / repetitive coding / typing. Here's one quick implementation as an example...

    SELECT Geographiccode, Year, Sex, Age_Start, Age_End, Person_count, Age_range

     FROM #MyTable cross join (

        select distinct number + 1981 as Year from master.dbo.spt_values where number between 0 and 24) a

     WHERE Year_census_estimate = 2006

    Ryan Randall

    Solutions are easy. Understanding the problem, now, that's the hard part.

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