Replace NULL value with 0 in query

  • I use dynamic SQL in stored procedure to calculate values and update a table

    SET @SQLStatement = 'UPDATE CAV_CalcValues '

    SET @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + 'SET '+@CAV_Column + '= '+@Formula

    SET @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + ' FROM KRE_KeyRatioEuro KRE INNER JOIN CAV_CalcValues CAV'

    SET @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + ' ON KRE.KRE_COM_id = CAV.CAV_COM_id AND KRE.KRE_TIM_id = CAV.CAV_TIM_id'

    SET @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + ' JOIN KRX_KeyRatioXXEuro KRX ON KRE.KRE_COM_id = KRX.KRX_COM_id '

    SET @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + ' WHERE KRE.KRE_COM_id IN ('+@CompanyId+')'

    SET @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + ' AND KRX.KRX_COM_id IN ('+@CompanyId+')'

    SET @SQLStatement = @SQLStatement + ' AND KRE.KRE_quarter = 0'


    Basically I have an Update clause where @Formula

    can look like the following:


    (different columns in different tables)

    The problem is that in the tables from where I take the values the values are allowed to be NULL but in formulas like above the resulting value will be set to NULL if only one value is NULL and I do not want that. Instead I want a null value be set to 0 so I get a value from the rest of the values in the formula.

    (13 + NULL + 26)= NULL

    But instead I want NULL=0

    (13 + 0 + 26)= =39

    I know I can change the formula with a lot of CASE clauses to eliminate the NULL value and replace with 0. But I have like 200 formulas and it would take a long time to accomplish that.

    My question is. Is it possible to set something that automatically will replace a NULL value with a 0 in a stored procedure?

  • Use IsNull(<ColumnName>,0)


  • TheWildHun:

    Well I think you propose to change the formulas as shown in the example. That solution I know. But I was thinking of a way to avoid that, if it is possible

    The formula would look like:


  • Sometimes formulas get complicated.  However, if you think you are going to use this over again somewhere in your application (and when have we not reused code), then I'm thinking a function could be created and called by passing the parms into it.  Just a thought.

  • There would definitely be even more work involved, but could it also make sense to break your formulas up into smaller chunks for readability? Or you could slice up your different formulas into functions as rcnelsonmba notes.

    If you don't have control over the source data (not allowing NULLs in the first place), I don't really know of a 'quick' work-around that wouldn't end up looking even uglier.


  • Might be worth considering placing a DEFAULT value of 0 on your column, otherwise you'll face the problem you know have.

    Another approach might be to use COALESCE() like this


    CREATE TABLE AveragingMultipleColumns

    (year0 DECIMAL(8,5), year1 DECIMAL(8,5), year2 DECIMAL(8,5))

    INSERT INTO AveragingMultipleColumns (year0, year1,year2) VALUES(1,2,3)

    INSERT INTO AveragingMultipleColumns (year0, year1,year2) VALUES(1,2,NULL)

    INSERT INTO AveragingMultipleColumns (year0, year1,year2) VALUES(1,NULL,3)

    INSERT INTO AveragingMultipleColumns (year0, year1,year2) VALUES(1,NULL,NULL)

    INSERT INTO AveragingMultipleColumns (year0, year1,year2) VALUES(NULL,2,NULL)

    INSERT INTO AveragingMultipleColumns (year0, year1,year2) VALUES(NULL,NULL,3)

    INSERT INTO AveragingMultipleColumns (year0, year1,year2) VALUES(NULL,NULL,NULL)

    SELECT year0, year1, year2,

    CASE WHEN (year0 + year1 + year2) IS NOT NULL --most likely one first

         THEN (year0 + year1 + year2)/3.0

         WHEN (year0 + year1) IS NOT NULL

         THEN (year0 + year1)/2.0

         WHEN (year0 + year2) IS NOT NULL

         THEN (year0 + year2)/2.0

         WHEN (year1 + year2) IS NOT NULL

         THEN (year1 + year1)/2.0

         ELSE COALESCE (year0, year1, year2) END AS average --nulls and singletons

    FROM AveragingMultipleColumns

    DROP TABLE AveragingMultipleColumns


    year0      year1      year2      average         

    ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------

    1.00000    2.00000    3.00000    2.00000000

    1.00000    2.00000    NULL       1.50000000

    1.00000    NULL       3.00000    2.00000000

    1.00000    NULL       NULL       1.00000000

    NULL       2.00000    NULL       2.00000000

    NULL       NULL       3.00000    3.00000000

    NULL       NULL       NULL       NULL


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • It appears that you only have a couple of options.  You can:

    1.  Change the source table to disallow Nulls, or somehow update them to 0 or default them to 0.

    2.  Change your application (not sure what creates your @formula variable) to include the ISNULL or COALESCE function.

    3.  Write some sort of intermediary function or proc that takes your @formula and parses it apart and then reparses it together with the approriate wrapper ISNULL functions.  Example: 

    EXEC s_WrapFormulaWithIsNull ('((KRE_MED_181)-(KRE_MED_14)-(KRE_MED_17))*(1-(KRX_MED_1))+(-(CAV_MED_199)-(KRE_MED_15)-(CAV_MED_200)) '), @S OUT


    with the result being:


    or something like that


  • I'm suprised that noone has suggested using COALESCE. This uses the first non null value in a list of values. So how about replacing



    -COALESCE(KRE_MED_14,0) etc.

  • I did

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • So did I?


  • So sorry So you did.

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