
  • i am using sql server 2005 express edition. using this can i get the data from another sql server (2005 ) data which is some other place...

    i read books online...and some sql books...i couldnt understand the concept...

    if so pls explain step by step...

  • Hi,

    You can achieve this through the Linked server concept

    plz study that concept in online.

  • SQL server express can act as a subscriber in replcication but does not have the ability to act as a publisher.

    Replication is a specific term in SQL, and is different from linked servers, it refers to Snapshot, Transactional or Merge replication read BOL for definitions.

    If you simply want to copy data from one server to another then a linked sever will allow you to do this.

    What are you trying to acheive?

  • which is the best way???

    there is no LAN connections..but we have internet

    the people using another server have to get the help of master data and enters the transaction details (which i should see the details)....


    server1 have itemmaster.

    server2(some other place) ordering system.

    can i get the data from server1 using linked server??.

    is it possible in linked server??? can i connect it via internet?

    if so how to do it?? pls explain me in step by step ...

  • Replication is used when you have the data pushesdacross form one server to another, for example you could have an Admin system that populates a database every time a record is added it is sent to each database that is subscribed to it . This means the data is constantly up to date between databases.

    A linked sever means you can see the other server from your server, this can be useful to do data loads from one server to another. You can write queries against the remote server form your server and use up to date data form there.

    It depends on how up to date you need your data to be, if you need real-time updates then you need replication, if you need a nightly data dump then you can use a linked server.

    I have no experience running these via the internet, I can imagine that replication is probably not possible, and even if it were the speed would be too slow. I may be wrong however.

    Linked server may be possible over the internet, again i have no experience in this setup, but you would have to look at the security implications of exposing your servers to the internet and the speed would be a factor.

  • Thank you very much...spending time for me...

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