Replication Alternatives?

  • All,

    We have a mix of hosted and client side databases. One of our hosted clients also has a local database and asked us for the data to be replicated.

    Easy - we can use replication over VPN and we'll get the job done.

    However, I was wondering if there were any good 3rd party tools out there? I'm starting to look around for some now, but I'd appreciate any feedback on tools you have used.



  • You moving all data or selected sets?

    For client side, I assume you mean some database at the client's site and not client machines?

  • Selected tables. 80% of tables are static or rarely changed.

  • You should narrow down your replication needs first. An understanding of how much data there is overall, how many changes there will be to this data, the performance of your VPN connection, acceptable latency, etc. will make it much easier to make a good choice on how to do this.

    That being said, before SQL 2005, replication for part-time connected devices was in some ways less than stellar. SQL 2005 replication (particularly merge replication) is very stable and relatively easy to manage.

    Start with the plan for how you would do this with SQL replication and that will allow you to choose a vendor that excels in that particular area and understand the total costs of using what you have or getting some third party tools.

    Keep in mind that the more vendors you have involved in a process, the more they can point fingers at each other when you have a problem.

  • KISS - I see so many companies using sql server that keep paying for crystal report when ssrs is amazing and built in, or they buy Informatica to solve etl issues when ssis is built in, or buy 3rd party repl tools to solve sql repl requirements...

    Don't be too quick to dismiss sql to solve your sql problems - give the built in tools a try... save yourself a few bucks... these aren't just simple add-ons anymore -

    my 2 cents

    ChrisB MCDBA

    Chris Becker

  • We have used Redgate with amazing results. I agree with the others - check out what is built-in first. If you need something else for replication, check out Redgate. It is very easy to use. Especially under 2000, Redgate turned my four year worry (client data not sync'd) into a footnote.

  • SQL replication was my first choice and I had replication all working but it was also required to see if there was any 3rd party alternatives out there.

    That said, the project has now been canned! :crazy:

    Thanks for the replies though.

  • I've seen doubletake software used in the past

  • The project was un-canned and in the end we just stayed with traditional SQL Server replication.

    Although we now have a client who wants their data replicated but doesn't want to use replication....And no deletes of data...

    All fun and games :hehe:

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