Replication and Unique Identifiers

  • Hi

    Does anyone know why when some tables are used in transactional replication a new field is added called "msrepl_tran_version" datatype = Unique_Identifier when there is already an identity column available for replication to use..?

    It doesn't seem to make sense to me that if a table has a primary key that is also an identity field that it would then create a new field "msrepl_tran_version"

    If anyone knows why this has happened i would be interested to know!




  • Sophie,

    What type of replication are you setting up? Regardless of the PKs, Replciation adds that key which is used by the agent to identify which record to replicate after the snapshot is created. When is transactional it reads from the log when merge is read directly from the table. That is basically what that key is for and does not have anything to do with your PKs BOL can give you a more detail explanation about that.

    Good luck

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