Replication Merge: Why is 'Distribution Clean Up: Distribution' disabled by default

  • Note: This applies to SQL server 2005 & 2008.

    I have noticed that when replication merge publication is created SQL also creates the default replication maintenance tasks and all enabled except the following 2:

    • Distribution Clean Up: Distribution

    • Replication monitoring refresher for distribution

    My question is why is ‘Distribution Clean Up: Distribution’ not enabled by default? I have found the following on the Microsoft website as I was trying to identify what each of the tasks do. According to this article ( Distribution Clean Up: Distribution should run Runs every ten minutes – but its disabled, why?

    I’m interested as I have a problem where my distribution db is growing and believe this job should be running.

  • Did you ever find the answer to this? I have the exact same two jobs disabled.



  • Sorry for bumping a really old post...

    I've been looking into this for a while now but have not managed to find much info.

    States that it should be running continuously.

    Explicitly ignores this job.

    What is this job for? Can it / should it be enabled?


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