Replication performance - getting down to details

  • Hello,

    I have a bunch of servers, one of which performs replications really slow. After few days of trying to do whatever I can to enhance its speed, I tried to configure to Log Reader to dump everything it does to a text file. Among the things I noticed on that dump is that its ratio of fetch time to write time is about 300-1 (i.e. for each 300 seconds of fetching it would do 1 second of writing... numbers in this example are arbitrary) This is one point in which the slow server differs from all other servers, in which I usually get 12-1 ratio.

    Could it be that Iā€™m on to something? Am I correct in gathering that the problem is clearly in reading, then? and if so, does anybody has any idea on how to continue from here?



  • Log reader reads it from your publishers log file. The only reason why it can be slow is IO bottleneck at the publisher.


  • yonision (7/23/2010)


    I have a bunch of servers, one of which performs replications really slow. After few days of trying to do whatever I can to enhance its speed, I tried to configure to Log Reader to dump everything it does to a text file. Among the things I noticed on that dump is that its ratio of fetch time to write time is about 300-1 (i.e. for each 300 seconds of fetching it would do 1 second of writing... numbers in this example are arbitrary) This is one point in which the slow server differs from all other servers, in which I usually get 12-1 ratio.

    Could it be that Iā€™m on to something? Am I correct in gathering that the problem is clearly in reading, then? and if so, does anybody has any idea on how to continue from here?




    When you say replication is slow, is it slow from Pub -dist or dist -subscriber ?

    You may want to look at the size of the dist DB also and see if the clean up jobs are running fine.


    Cheers !

    HTH !
    MCTS : 2005, 2008
    Active SQL Server Community Contributor šŸ™‚

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