Replication - what type do i need?

  • Hey all,

    I am looking into replication of data between 2 SQL 2000 servers - but its a little unusual set up (well according to what i have read).

    What i effectively have is a master SQL server which has all our records on. However there is a SQL server used for our website. This server will get a limited amounts of inserts (currently only inserts) which need to be replicated to the master server.

    So what i thought was that this looks like one way transactional - but looking online it seems to sugguest that one way replication should only have the data changed on the publisher - not a subscriber.

    Secondly is it possible to limit the websites SQL server to only allow to replicate inserts (so that it cant delete\update data)?

    Can anyone help me with any sugguestions?

    Hope this makes sense, and TIA


  • I haven't much experience with replication. Is it feasible to store the inserts in a seperate table?

  • how about frequency of transactions?

    Are these insertions taking place very frequently?

    Any connection restrictions in there?

    in your case, how abt connection between publisher and subscriber?

  • Thanks guys.

    Not sure how storing in a separate table will help.

    Frequency of transactions: 10 a day

    Frequency of insertions: Same 10 a day

    Connection at the main server end is currently a little dodgy.

    What i definitely dont want is the data coming the other way..... that would be a huge amount which will be a waste.


  • Based on your description, you should use MERGE replication. You can limit the user accessing your web server to have insert permission only. You just set the permission to these users.

  • But surely merge is two way. Or can we do this one way?

    I do not want the webserver SQL box to have the data from the main SQL box. It would just kill our internet access line.


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