Replication with a VCS Cluster

  • Can anyone tell me what the deal is with replication and why it will not allow me to use the virtual node name? We have our production servers in a VCS cluster with server1 as active, server2 as passive and server as the virtual node. I can set up a transactional replication schema with the active node (server1) but that will be a nightmare when we failover to server2.

    Is it possible to use the virtual node as the publisher?




  • What is a VCS Cluster - Veritas Cluster Service??

    With MSCS you only deal with the "Virtual" istance of SQL. You register the virtual instance in management studio and configure this as your publisher and/or distributor and/or subscriber. Test failover/failback of virtual sql instance - since this can live on either node, make sure no problems here.

    Then configure replication for virtual instance.

    Another rule w/ mscs is to never dial in (rdp) directly to a "node" and try to configure a "virtual" server. Rdp into "virtual" server to configure.

    Hope this helps - if not, and you still want to rely on sql forums to solve your vcs problem - be more specific w/ error receiving and your architecture - dedicated distributor, sql2k/05 / sp's / etc.

    ChrisB MCDBA

    Chris Becker

  • I actually resolved this. My virtual server name was corrupt. I had to drop and recreate it using sp_dropserver and sp_addserver. Interestingly enough, the error message was very specific: "SQL Server 2005 Replication does not support the use of virtual server names, ip addresses or aliases". Far from the actual issue.

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