replication with web server - information please ?

  • dear friends,

    I need to sync 2 tables between local sqlexpress2012 and sqlprofessional2012 on web my server. sync must be 2 way. I don't concern about conflicts. I just want to inserts, updates and deletes goes both way. I have remote desktop access to web server.

    I lost in millions of merge replication, peer2peer replication documents.

    please can someone obtain educational information, video link, anything that shows me howto do that step by step. I'm not expert on sql servers. I tried millions of times to make replication but could not succeeded. I'm just a simple aspnet developer. I need document for idiots. I need step by step instructions. I read lots of stuff but obviously missing something.

    best regards.

  • the microsoft documentation is here:

    from what i remember, two way replication must be between non-express versions(SQL Express cannot be a distributor?), so i think you need to create both pull and push on the enterprise/standard server that will point at the express.

    I might be wrong, others will hopefully correct me if i'm wrong.


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