Report Builder URL for End users

  • Hello

    I am new to this Report Builder stuff just having started only yesterday. I understand that http://server:80/Reports takes you to the Report Builder URL which will show the Built & Deployed Report models ; But this is for the Developer. How does a Developer "Publish" or "make available" a completed report to the End user? How to make that available under a different URL?

    I used the below URL for creatin the data model as reference.

    Apologies if my question sounds silly. I am learning / reading.

  • The deployed reports can either be given subscription or it can be embedded in your website page for viewing.

    Subscription is done from the reports server UI where in report properties we can add subscriptions so that it will send the report to the subscribers through EMail or Fileshare.

    an MSDN overview of subscription

    To embed the report in the website you can add a reportviewr control to the page .

    then provide report server URL. Provide the serverreport name to render. this piece of code can be used in the aspnet website

    //if report is deployed in a remote server

    ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = ProcessingMode.Remote;

    //url of the serer

    ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = new System.Uri("http://[server]:8081/Reports");

    //path and name of the report

    ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = "/[Folder]/[reportname]";


    //parameter collection : can be used only if dont want to use the default parameter selection in the reportviewer

    List paramList = new List();

    paramList.Add(new ReportParameter("EmpID", "288", false));

    paramList.Add(new ReportParameter("ReportMonth", "12", false));

    paramList.Add(new ReportParameter("ReportYear", "2003", false));



    // Process and render the report


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