Report does not display decrypted values.

  • Hi all,

    I am migrating from Sql Server 2000 to Sql Server 2008 and from Windows 2000 Server to Windows 2008 server.

    I used to use a a third party .dll for encryption / decryption on Sql Server 2000 which has worked for several years and continues to work; but now I need to use built in encryption / decryption in SqlServer 2008 no problem. I created as set of asymmetric keys and wrote a udf to call from Sprocs as needed. Tested by running a sproc in query Analyzer and it works great.

    I have an application that creates a report which includes the column that is encrypted of course it goes through decryption within the stored procedure; but the column returns null values when viewing this report. The report displays values using Sql Server 2000 and Server 2000 with .net 2.0.

    However when I run the sproc in test mode from the query Analyzer it returns the values just fine. I use local application user no domain users and it has the proper permissions as far as I can see. It has execute permissions on the sproc that calls the udf and execute permissions on the udf. I can't find any place to assign right to the keys themselves.

    Any ideas what I am missing here I have to get this up and running in a couple of weeks and I am stumped. I found nothing by google or through SqlCentral lists.

    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Pamela Reinskou

    Pamela Reinskou

  • Are you sure the report is referencing the correct column name?

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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  • Can you please post your SQL, changing relevant parts of course...

  • are you using the same login that the report uses when you are testing with tsql?

    The probability of survival is inversely proportional to the angle of arrival.

  • Thankfully there was a delay in the project caused by another group; but now I am back with the same problem.

    The reason the report has null values for that column is because the value for the column is null.

    A web application using a sql server local account executes stored procedure to input a record into a table. The code for the insert is

    Insert into myTable(receiptId, dtmTrans, transAmount,acctName,transType, acctNumber,acctExpDate, SubscriberId, ActivityId)Values(@ReceiptId, @dtmTrans, @transAmount, @AcctName, @TransType, newFrontier.dbo.PYRFN_EncryptThis512(@AcctNumber), @ExpDate, @SubscriberId,@ActivityCode)

    If I run this using query analyzer or whatever it is called in 2008 the column is filled with the encrypted value; but if I call it from the application the column is null. The udf has permssions set to execute for the user. The code for the udf is

    Declare @NewString varbinary(512)

    Set @NewString = (Select EncryptByAsymKey(AsymKey_ID('mykey512'),@OrigString))

    All the other columns are set correctly just this one column is null. No errors are raised, I tried to code it separately just so I could test for an error and none was raised.

    Pamela Reinskou

  • Seems like a permissions issue on the EncryptByAsymKey but I can't find anywhere where permissions required are mentioned.

    Have you run this using the application login?

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
    Check out these links on how to get faster and more accurate answers:
    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help
    Need an Answer? Actually, No ... You Need a Question

  • Problem solved and yes it was permissions the account used to call the key needs to have control permissions; but there is nowhere to actually add the permissions. If you go back to my original message I eluded to that; but never resolved the problem.

    Turns out the only way you can grant permissions to certain objects is to code it (don't get me started)

    GRANT CONTROL To ASYMMETRIC KEY :: asymmetric_key

    That took care of the problem.

    Thanks for the help! Now where is that bottle of Dewar's? :satisfied:

    Pamela Reinskou

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